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如果只是想想的话大概是7岁吧。Well, unofficially when I was seven,

蒙大拿州非正式的称为“大天空之州”。Montana is unofficially nicknamed "Big Sky Country."

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信息在公司内迅速非正式传播的过程。The process through which information gets spread unofficially throughout the company.

冥王星通常是认定为行星,而齐娜则是非正式的行星。Pluto is usually considered to be a planet, and Xena has unofficially been called a planet.

澳门一家大赌场的一名管理人员说这一限制可能很快就会非正式放松。An executive at one of Macau’s big casinos said that the restrictions may be unofficially relaxed soon.

反恐新战略的官方表述是“监视与打击”,非官方的说法是“打地鼠”。The new anti-terror strategy was officially called "watch and strike", and unofficially dubbed "whack a mole".

这位出生于澳大利亚的物理学家已经他的启动项目搬到美国并非正式地招募了一些物理学家和工程师。The Australian-born physicist has already moved his startup to theU. S. and unofficially recruited several physicists and engineers.

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然而,地方制造业组织却认为仅广东省面临破产倒闭的企业就不只几千家。Unofficially , local manufacturing groups believe many more than that will go out of business in the southern province of Guangdong alone.

本周被非正式地揭开神秘面纱的歼-15,俨然是苏-33的克隆,事实上只有内部进行了中国式改进。Yet the J-15 unofficially unveiled this week, which externally seems a clone of the Su-33, in fact has been remade inside with Chinese improvements. Mr.

因南非最高法院的上诉分院设在这里而被非正式地称作该国的司法首都。It is unofficially called the judicial capital of the country because the appellate division of the national supreme court sits here. Population, 02, '00.

沿着所谓的控制线不断发生的战斗导致很多人死亡,其中多数是平民。这条线被非正式认定为克什米尔的边界。Continued fighting along the so-called Line of Control has killed many people, most of them civilians. The line is unofficially considered the border in Kashmir.

不过,这不会防碍年轻人自组团体,以非官方身分出席定于八月十六至廿一日在西班牙马德里举行的全活动。But this is unlikely to prevent the presence at the event, scheduled for August 16-21 in Madrid, of a group of Nepalese young people who will be attending unofficially.

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该法规拟于当年年末期满,但监管机构和银行非正式地表示,香港政府不可能坐视一家银行倒闭。The law is set to expire at the end of the year, but regulators and bankers say unofficially that it would be unthinkable for the territory to allow a bank to collapse.

法律上是这样的,但是从古代书信,及其他各类文献中发现,女子更像是丈夫家中的非正式成员。Legally, that's correct, but you see cases in letters and all kinds of stuff from the Ancient World that women actually were more unofficially part of their husband's house.

共13家实验室参与了民间发起的、非商业目的的空气滤纸对比试验,旨在检验国内高效滤纸数据的偏离程度。All together 13 labs participated an unofficially organized and non-commercial oriented round-robin test for HEPA filter media, to demonstrate possible variations of testing data.

虽然那里存在然后在Visvim的鞋类线之内的FBT,它是非官方地采取了王朝当Visvim的旗舰的这双运动鞋,艰苦某事争论。Although there exists more then just the FBT within Visvim's footwear line, it is this sneaker which has unofficially taken the reigns as Visvim's flagship, something hard to argue.

谢欣是俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔·普京的亲密盟友,同时,至少是非官方的,他也是克林姆林宫内由前克格勃官员组成的强硬政治派系“西罗维基”的领导人。Sechin is a close ally of Russia's prime minister Vladimir Putin, and the leader – at least unofficially – of the Kremlin's hardline siloviki faction made up of former KGB officers.

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根据当地官员和学者的说法,这些变化有些已在其他城市非正式地出现,但深圳是第一个尝试建立一个法律框架的城市。Some of these changes have been introduced unofficially in other cities, but Shenzhen is the first to try to establish a legal framework, according to local officials and academics.

听说是有龙女之称的慈禧太后在其时期下令构筑的长廊与石舫,意味着清帝国的长治久安。It is said that the Dragon Lady, the Dowager Queen who unofficially wielded power during the regency, ordered its construction because, just like the boat, the empire would last forever.

从春训典礼开始,2009年的赛季其实已经开始了,职棒联盟将给球迷介绍一个观看比赛的官方途经。For the 2009 season, which begins unofficially this month with the annual rite of spring training, the league will introduce a host of ways for fans to follow their favorite teams in detail.