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在中场休息的时候,把大家都踢出家门去走走,到邻居那儿串个门。At halftime, shoo everyone outdoors for a walk around the neighborhood.

在值班的警员试着把人群散去,于是他使用了扬声器。The police on duty tried to shoo away the crowd by using a loud-speaker.

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“好吧,”老伯伯边说边看着这个警官在不停地驱赶着几只苍蝇。"Yep, " the farmer said as he watched the trooper shoo away several flies.

它试图决定离开,但是加拉的可怕的艺术性进场。It tries to shoo the finches away, but a gruesome kind of artistry comes into play here.

一间在繁华城市的咖啡室,给你的不单只是一杯咖啡,而是一种文化,一种与别不同的感受。A coffee shoo in the bustling citiy notonly give you a cup of coffee, is a culture , a uniqule feeling.

他们看见哈根发出嘘声赶桑尼穿过法国式门进了堂的办公室,然后向亚美利哥把手指弯成钩形。They saw Hagen shoo Sonny through the French door into the Don's office and then crook a finger at Amerigo Bonasera.

他说,动物不表现出好奇就不正常了,而对此最好的反应是“吓跑”它们。He said it would have been unusual for the animals not to show curiosity and that the best reaction was to "shoo" them.

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许多环保主义者对在野党英国保守党更感兴趣,人们认为保守党在明年夏天举行的大选中将会获胜。Many greens are more interested in the opposition Tories, who look a shoo -in at the election which must take place by next summer.

在好几个广告时段里,路克坐在舞台边缘甩腿,直到工作人员把他赶回座位去。Rourke sat on the edge of the stage kicking his legs during several breaks, with a stage manager coming to shoo him back to his seat.

所长冲它撇去砖头,想把它哄跑,但它跑了又跑回来,蹦跳着,差点咬到所长的喉咙。The inspector tried to shoo it away by throwing bricks at it, but the dog came back again and again, and at a certain point seemed almost to jump up at the inspector’s throat.

他们看到黑根像赶鸡一样把桑儿赶进了老头子的办公室,然后向亚美利哥•勃纳瑟拉弯起手指。They saw Hagen shoo Sonny through the French door into the Don's office and then crook a finger at Amerigo Bonasera. "Why do they bother your father with business on a day like this?" Kay asked.