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这远不止是人权问题,这也是地缘政治和发展问题。It's much more than that. It is also a geostrategic and development issue.

他们不过是伊斯兰与西方的对弈的地缘政治棋局中的小卒而已。They are merely pawns in a geostrategic chess match between Islam and the west.

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在经历了伊拉克和阿富汗战争后,他现在开始把焦点放在了亚洲。He's pivoted U. S. geostrategic policy towards Asia after a decade of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

随着全球金融体系不断地陷入困境,美国的战略优势似乎日渐式微。With the global financial system in serious trouble, is America's geostrategic dominance likely to diminish?

从新地缘政治角度看,扩大后的欧盟拥有新的边境和邻国。From the perspective of New Geostrategic , EU now has new boundaries and neighboring countries after its enlargement.

中国海军及其潜在价值要成为一种地缘政治手段,这从未在华盛顿战略家的圈子内成为议题。In strategic circles, Chinese marines and their potential value as a geostrategic tool are almost entirely a non-issue.

两场战争的开始,都是因为充满谎言的欺骗,让人们达成了致命的妥协,也都被地缘战略学的严重判断错误所唆使。Their beginnings were fatally compromised by deceptions that congealed into lies, abetted by profound geostrategic misjudgments.

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从这个意义上说,这些政策有助于土耳其巩固其地理位置、也有助于维护其能源安全。In this sense, these policies while helping Turkey to strengthen its geostrategic position also contributed to Turkeys energy security.

随着人们更容易接近北极地区蕴藏的碳氢化合物资源,该地区的地缘政治态势也正在发生改变。The increased accessibility of the enormous hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic region is changing the geostrategic dynamics of the region.

各种地缘战略纠纷在北京与新德里之间制造了隔阂,其中就有两国2200多英里边界上一系列的领土争端,双方对此非常敏感。Various geostrategic disputes separate Beijing and New Delhi, including a number of sensitive disagreements about areas along their 2,200-mile border.

这触及了国内政策及外交政策利益的顶点,是财富积累和地缘战略伙伴关系超越了政府稳定的产物。It is the culmination of national and foreign policy interests that place accumulation of wealth and geostrategic partnerships over the creation of a stable government.

由于激光武器的兴起会导致对各国在地缘战略学意义上的区分,即分为无力承担定向能源武器研发的国家和有能力承担此研发的国家,这对于美国而言是有利的。Advantage United States, as the rise of lasers will lead to a geostrategic division into "countries that can afford to go into directed energy and countries that can't."

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不管这些地缘政治的阴谋是否得逞,中东地区能源多样化无疑会对该地区开辟其它各种能源产生重大的的影响。Whether or not any geostrategic intrigue is at play, there is no doubt that the growing energy diversification movement in the Middle East will have important ramifications for the region.