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我淡淡地对她笑了笑。I smiled weakly at her.

我有气无力地握了握他的手说。I weakly shook his hand.

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卡门·艾尔茜拉虚弱地问道。Carmen Elcira asked weakly.

她叹了口气站了起来,很虚弱。She sighs and stands up, weakly.

敌人后方空虚。The enemy rear is weakly defended.

我所说的弱优于是什么意思What do I mean by weakly dominate?

公白飞有气无力地支持它。Combeferre was upholding it weakly.

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“我倦了,比基,”虚弱的她小声说道。"I'm tired, Bicki," she said weakly.

她摇了摇头,微微一笑。She shook her head and smiled weakly.

“我们在这儿,”京京声音微弱地叫道。"We're here. " Jingjing shouted weakly.

“我还以为我赢了你呢,”他有气无力地说。"I thought I had you, " he said, weakly.

我弯下腰去,它很虚弱地朝我移了过来。As I bent down, he moved weakly toward me.

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我们已经指出过,冰吸收光很弱。We have noted that ice absorbs light weakly.

我已经倒在了椅子上,颤抖着,抽泣着。I had fallen into a chair, weakly snivelling.

莫里无力地抬抬手,连腹部也没超过。Morrie weakly lifted a hand, halfway up his belly.

我把真实原因告诉他时,底气不足,羞愧难当。I felt ashamed as I weakly told him the real reason.

随堂考及每周复习以增强学习效果。Quiz and weakly reviews enhancing the effectoflearning.

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这个人还有呼吸,而且他的心脏还在微弱地跳动着。He was still breathing, and his heart was beating weakly.

整个航程无力地屈从于盲目而又不确定的风向whole sails are weakly yielded to the blind uncertain winds

弱遍历是在紧致系统上的一种新的遍历概念。Weakly ergodic is a new ergodic conception on compact system.