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随他们客死他乡吧!Let them slink off to other countries and die!

科学家将气候变化归因于温室效应。Scientists slink climate change to the greenhouse effect.

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孙子又扔下书本,偷偷溜出去玩儿了。The grandson again threw away the books to slink outside to play.

在写字楼里,他们灰溜溜躲进过道、洗手间、楼梯井。At the office, they slink into hallways, bathrooms, and stairwells.

那的确是他,谢天谢地,我没必要尴尬地偷偷溜走了。It is him, so I don't have to slink away embarrassed, thank goodness.

然而,英国注定不会滑落到欧盟的末端。Yet Britain is not doomed to slink along the bottom of the European league.

这样,到了夜晚,我就可以划到镇上去,到处偷偷地遛遛,捡些我用得着的东西。And then I can paddle over to town nights, and slink around and pick up things I want.

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您百事灵回来加入他们,愤怒,伤害和沮丧,吃你的午餐沉默。You slink back to join them, angry, hurt and frustrated, and eat your lunch in silence.

他工作时,一个张力弹簧掉在了地上,他就看着弹簧在地板上滑动。He dropped a tension spring he was working with and watched it slink away across the floor.

不要以恶小而开门,因为大恶往往会随之而来。Never open the door to a lesser evil, for other and greater ones invariably slink in after it.

小溪的神奇漂荡在涟漪之间,蔓生于布满鹅卵石的水底,潜行于树根之下。Mysteries float in creeksriffles, crawl over their pebbled bottoms and slink under the roots of trees.

它或许会快速溜走,或许呆在原地希冀猫咪没有发现它而最终离开。It may slink away, or it may remain immobile in hopes that the cat will eventually wander away without noticing it.

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然后狐狸会越过野猪,把它的右耳和尾巴抓破,潜逃,隐藏在山洞。Then the Fox will leap at the Boar and tear off its right ear and its tail and slink off to hide in the mountain caves.

每天,带着兴奋和惭愧,玛丽跋涉到满怀希望的邮箱前,只是为了打开,关上然后偷偷溜进屋子。Each day , with strength and shame, Mary trudged to the letterbox in hope, only to swivel , shrivel and slink back inside.

你对我的威胁是空虚的,快带著你的人民滚回你们的狗窝吧,我无法忍受你们这些肮脏的傢伙继续待在我的王座之间了。Your threats are hollow. Go slink away with the rest of your kind to the slums, I will endure your filth in my throne room no longer.

这只狗甚至可以和其他狗那样懒洋洋地趴在舒适的沙发后面,假装对它塑胶狗骨头兴致盎然。This dog would make even a dog like that slink nonchalantly be?hind the sofa and pretend to be extremely preoccupied with its rubber bone.

在湖面上,日子悄无声息地走过,我知道让湖四周的风景,森林偷偷走进未被欣赏,未被开发的背景是很容易的。Here on the lake, the days pass by and I know how easy it can be to let the backdrop of lake and forest slink into the background unappreciated and unused.

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这款USB驱动器是被安装在手表里的,这就意味着你可以用这个便携装置在好管闲事的保卫人员的眼皮底下堂而皇之地进入你的办公室。This USB drive sits inside a watch which means that you can slink into your office with this handy contraption right under the nose of the nosey security guards.

你要在走廊里到处兜兜,同遇到的每一个人都攀谈一番,去参加技术环节的小组专题讨论,将发言者邀请出来,一起喝杯啤酒。Slink around in the hallways, talk to everyone you meet, go to the technical sessions and invite the speakers out for a beer, and when you find someone smart, BANG!

当儿童,教师和家长急急忙忙地,跌跌撞撞地,蒙蒙董董地进入新学年以后,他们再次发现自己正在标准化考试的阴影下挣扎。As children, teachers and parents sprint, slink or stumble into the new school year, they also find themselves laboring once again in the shadow of standardized tests.