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我的手眼协调能力是零。My hand-eye coordination is zero.

妳的手脚协调度不太好耶…Your coordination is not so good, Li.

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协调所有资源集成。Integrators coordination of all resources.

卡里根的协调技能相当高超。Carrigan's coordination skills were superb.

呼,手眼协调好累喔!Whoa, hand-eye coordination is real tiring!

确保所有地点的协调和监督。Ensure coordination and oversight for all sites.

协和谬误的问题我们以后再讨论We'll talk about coordination problems later on.

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下腰痛会影响腰髋部的协调性。Low back pain will affect lumbar-hip coordination.

需要良好的手眼协调能力。You need good hand-eye coordination to play tennis.

Dyno调中心测试结果杜卡迪自行车。Dyno" Coordination Centre Ducati bike test results."

它们是仅仅是协和谬误Is that right? They were pure coordination problems.

供应链利益与风险的协调机制研究。The study of the benefit-risk coordination mechanism.

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这个博弈叫"协和谬误"This kind of game is called a "Coordination problem."

有良好的沟通和协调能力。Sophisticate in communication and coordination skills.

这就是所谓的壁纸设计中的颜色协调。This is called color coordination in wall paper design.

正是这种协调导致了所有问题。And it is this coordination that causes all the trouble.

有强烈的团队意识和协调员工的能力。With strong team work sprit and staff coordination skill.

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但我认为会做出一些承诺以加强协调。But I do expect some commitment to reinforce coordination.

相关具体事宜当面恰谈、协调。Specific issues related to face-to-faceǡ̸, coordination.

这就是配位键长的综合模型。This is the unified model of the coordination bond length.