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半岛战争期间,敌对双方常见交好。Fraternisation during the Peninsular War was very common.

马来半岛在1942年到1945年被日本占领。The Malay Peninsular was occupied by Japan from 1942 to 1945.

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新加坡和马来西亚半岛之间隔着柔佛海峡。The Strait of Johor separates Singapore from Peninsular Malaysia.

昆嵛山位于胶东半岛的东端。Kunyu Mountain is located in the eastern end of Jiaodong Peninsular.

伟德山花岗岩体位于胶东半岛的东部。The Weideshan complex located at the eastern edge of Jiaodong Peninsular.

双方还就朝鲜半岛核问题交换了意见。Both sides also exchanged opinions over the Korean Peninsular nuclear issue.

而中南半岛侗台族群的起源,则是我们研究中关注的另一个问题。The origin of Peninsular Daic is another focus of attention for us to study.

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大连是辽东半岛南端的一个美丽的海滨城市。Dalian is a beautiful seaside city on the southern tip of Liaodong Peninsular.

我们在朝鲜半岛核问题的立场是一贯的,明确的。Our position on the Korean Peninsular nuclear issue is consistent and explicit.

游客乘船通过令人震撼不已的南极冰拱。Tourists sail through dramatic arches of an iceberg on the Antarctica Peninsular

缅甸、中国、印度、印度尼西亚、马来半岛、尼泊尔、泰国及越南。Burma, China, India, Indonesia, Peninsular Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam.

印度半岛和周边地区看不到喘息机会。However, no such respite is in the offing for peninsular India and surrounding regions.

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这两天外交部朝鲜半岛事务大使李滨先生正在有关国家访问。Ambassador Li Bin in charge of Korean Peninsular affairs is visiting relevant countries.

预测路线图表明飓风会在周一晚些时候登陆墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛。A projected track shows the hurricane should slam into Mexico's Yucatan Peninsular late Monday.

再往南从35公里深度来的反射波是来自印度半岛的莫霍界面。Even further south, reflections from 35 km depth may correspond to the Moho of peninsular India.

双方还就地区冲突和朝鲜半岛核问题等交换了意见。Both sides also exchanged opinions on regional conflicts and the Korean Peninsular nuclear issue.

据最乐观的估计,马来西亚半岛狐蝠约50万只。The most optimistic estimates put the population of flying foxes in peninsular Malaysia at 500, 000.

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实践证明,通过谈判解决问题的道路受到了各方的广泛支持。The path to negotiated settlement proved to be the widely supported option for the peninsular issue.

其最后一幕是夺取瑟堡,一个科唐坦半岛上有着悠久历史的商业海港。Its last scene was Allied occupation of Cherbourg, an ancient commercial harbor in Cotentin Peninsular.

朴凤柱说,朝方对中方为实现半岛无核化所做的努力表示赞赏。Pak Bong Ju said that the DPRK appreciates the efforts made by China towards a nuclear-free Korean Peninsular.