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我不反对货到付款。I'm not opposed to COD.

鳕鱼是我最喜欢吃的。Cod is my favourite fish.

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他们正在用拖网捕鳕。They are trawling for cod.

请邮送这只大衣箱,货到付款。Please send this trunk COD.

鳕鱼已用盐腌起留着日后吃。The cod was salted away for future use.

鳕栖于海洋底层。Cod live in the bottom layer of the ocean.

往前走,扔掉鱼肝油。Go ahead and throw away that cod liver oil.

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每一个拥有多达50万的鳕鱼。Each one holds as many as fifty thousand cod.

那你一定会爱上这古老的科德角。You're sure to fall in love with Old Cape Cod.

以货到付款的方式做生意对我们双方都是非常公平的。It is very fair for us to do business with COD.

这对伙伴离开科德角后就前往罗得岛的纽波特市。The pair left Cape Cod and headed to Newport, R.

拖网作业则可捕到200米甚至更深处的鳕鱼。Bottom trawling can target cod down to 200 meters or so.

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所以,鳕鱼可以通过网底下的开口逃脱。So the cod can escape through the openings at the bottom.

美味的鸡肉和雪鱼丝组合。Delicious Chicken and Cod Fish arranged as Sandwish Strip.

在网上购物的人通常会选择货到付款。People who buy things from the internet usually prefer COD.

他说,鳕鱼学院让他成为水产养殖的信仰者。He says the Cod Academy made him a believer in fish farming.

烤银鳕鱼,普罗旺斯汁,蒸蔬汇。Grilled black cod filet, "aioli Provencale", steamed vegetables.

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淋上鲜番茄酱,洒上香草、盐及胡椒调味,把鳕鱼横放其上。Add tomato sauce, herbs and seasoning. Place the Cod fish on top.

然后将香草蔬菜团和蛤蜊布置在鳕鱼周围,最后放入海篷子。Arrange gnocchi and clams around the cod and finish with samphire.

阳光少女小红莓来自新英格兰的鳕鱼角的乡村。Sun-Maid Cranberries come from New England's Cape Cod countryside.