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“不,”黑根说。"No, " Hagen said.

他问汤姆-黑根其中的奥妙。He asked Tom Hagen about it.

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黑根对这一评语感到很诧异。Hagen wondered at this remark.

“如何说‘不’字,”黑根回答说。"How to say no, " Hagen answered.

黑根决定做最后一次努力。Hagen decided to make one last try.

他看见哈根疑惑地看着他。He saw Hagen look at him questioningly.

黑根把那烈酒痛痛快快地喝了下去。Hagen drank the fiery liquid gratefully.

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汤姆·黑根知道这件事但是他不愿意告诉我。Tom Hagen knows the story and he won't tell me.

“你教父也是这样认为的,”黑根说。"That's what your Godfather figures, " Hagen said.

这是第一次沃尔兹使得黑根震惊住了。For the first time, Woltz succeeded in astounding Hagen.

老头子走进房间以后,黑根就把那份名单递给了他。When the Don entered the room, Hagen handed him the list.

克莱门扎打电话给长滩镇找汤姆-黑根接电话。Clemenza called the house in Long Beach and got Tom Hagen.

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当约翰尼进了屋时,汤姆·哈根伸出他的手。Tom Hagen held out his hand when Johnny came into the room.

黑根在想,他怎么就做到总统顾问上来了。How the hell did he get to be a pezzonovante, Hagen wondered.

听到这个的时候黑根不安地眨起了眼睛。On hearing this, Hagen flinched, a nervous flick of his head.

黑根发现索洛佐的脸“刷”一下子变得苍白了,眼睛也闪烁着愤怒之光。Hagen saw Sollazzo's face go pale, his eyes glitter with rage.

黑根在花园里面焦急地寻找山尼·科里昂。Out in the garden, Hagen searched anxiously for Sonny Corleone.

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汤姆·黑根在周三的早晨到达他的办公室。Tom Hagen went to his law office in the city on Thursday morning.

哈根扮个鬼脸,考虑是否告诉堂,随后又决定不这么做。Hagen grimaced, debated whether to inform the Don, and decided against it.

在走之前,他吻了教父的手,然后黑根给他打开门出去了。Brasi kissed the Don's hand before he went out the door that Hagen held open.