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本规则各条在各种天气条件下都应遵守。Rules in this Part shall be complied with in all weathers.

关于号型的各条规定在白天都应遵守。The Rules concerning shapes shall be complied with by day.

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他答应了刘备的请求,离开隆中,成为刘备的主要谋士。He complied with Liu's request and became his prime minister.

所有的银行都遵从,并且对英格兰银行付了保证金。All the banks complied and kept deposits with the Bank of England.

我想,他提出的条件你一定都肯答应吧?" said Elizabeth, "but the terms, I suppose, must be complied with.

心理建议去睡觉仅在一分钟内就能照做。Mental suggestions to go to sleep were complied with within a minute.

教材是由专家组统编而成的。This new textbook was complied for general use by a specialist group.

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结果莫索尼定片含量均匀度符合规定。Results moxonidine tablets complied with the test for uniformity of content.

本执照与本人的技术档案记录相符时有效。This license is valid when complied with the record in personal technical file.

此零件及其原材质是否满足下述无卤要求?。Are this part and its raw materials complied with Halogen-Free requirement below?

买方必须在卖方按照A4和A7规定交货时受领货物。The buyer must take delivery of the goods when A4 and A7 have been complied with.

这一切都与我国建设社会主义法治国家的宏旨不相符合。All are not complied with the principle of building the Socialistic nomocracy nation.

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结果所测10种蒙药中铜含量均符合标准。ResultsThe copper content of 10 Mongolian medicines was complied with national standard.

利用外资项目,如国外贷款方有特殊规定,从其规定。For projects using foreign loans, special provisions set by lenders shall be complied with.

在遵守表决限制的前提下,无论其担任何职,公司董事。Provided that the restrictions on voting are complied with, a director, despite his office.

其密度随血栓凝龄的延长成正相关。That made it positive relativity that density complied with the prolonging of thrombus age.

赫斯渥照办了,电车飞奔起来,后面跟着一阵石头的碰撞声和一连串咒骂声。Hurstwood complied and the car shot away, followed by a rattle of stones and a rain of curses.

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获得符合人眼视觉特性的均匀图像质量是码率控制的一个期望目标。The consistent visual quality is complied with HVS, thus it is a desired goal of rate control.

苹果和谷歌一样接到了限时15天的通牒——只是苹果最终同意按要求修改政策。Apple was slapped with the same 15-day ultimatum as Google – but Apple complied with the request.

所有列入第一纵队的标准都必须获得在基础水平的认证。All criteria specified in column 1 must be complied with to gain certification at the Foundation Level.