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炖蔬菜。Stewed vegetables.

他对我的到来感到不安。He stewed about my coming.

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美味的瓦煲卤猪肉。Tasty Claypot Stewed Pork.

在封闭车厢内他们都感到闷热得难受。They all stewed in the boxcar.

可口的瓦煲卤猪肉叫人受不了!The yummy Clay Pot Stewed Pork.

我们早饭吃炖梅干。We had stewed prunes for breakfast.

是炖鸡还是炸鸡?Is it stewed chicken or fried chicken?

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竹笋,炖鸡肾。Bamboo sprouts, stewed chicken kidneys.

焖出排骨的风味!Make a flavoursome dish of stewed ribs!

羊肉、红酒烩腰花等等。Stewed Mutton, Kidney in Red Wine, etc.

有点可怕的煮鳄鱼爪?A rather gruesome stewed crocodile claw?

我想吃牛肉炖白菜。Id rather take stewed cabbage with beef.

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苦味的酿制饮料是普遍的食补方法。Stewed brews are common medicinal dishes.

母亲炖鸡炖了很久了。Mother stewed the chicken for a long time.

我今晚吃的是土豆烧牛肉。I ate stewed beef and potatoes for dinner tonight.

请再给我一些你们那种美味可口的炖牛肉。I want some more of your dynamite stewed beef, please.

炖羊肉是用葡萄酒炖的,还配有萝卜和洋葱。The stewed mutton is stewed in wine with carrot, onion.

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适宜搭配野味,烤肉,焖肉和炖肉,以及硬芝士。Game, Roasted meat, Stewed and braised meat, Hard cheese.

我要吃煮干梅子和纯煎蛋卷以及黄油面包。I'd like to have this stewed prunes and omelet, just plain.

梅干、梨脯、桃脯等干果,都是炖过的。Dried fruits such as prunes, pears, and peaches, are stewed.