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我们必须限制医疗保险和医疗补助。We have to limit Medicare and Medicaid.

让我先谈谈医疗费的一般情况。And let me talk about Medicare generally.

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我们可以从医疗保险中省下多少?How Much Savings Can We Wring from Medicare?

你是否接受医疗保险或医疗补助?Do you accept Medicare or Medicaid insurance?

这是医疗保险诞生之初我们许下的诺言。This is the promise we made when Medicare was born.

还你的国民保健卡,请坐那等候。Here is your Medicare card. Pand please take the a seat.

医疗保险还需耗资数十亿美元来支付靶向放疗吗?Should Medicare spend billions to pay for targeted radiation?

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接着他们开始谈论了很多药物治疗和医疗保健方案。They started out with a lot of talk about Medicate and Medicare.

医疗保险是指加拿大的“统一支付方”医疗保健系统。Medicare is the name of Canada’s "single-payer" health care system.

我认为医疗保险是社会保障网的一块基石。Medicare I think is one of the cornerstones of our social safety net.

“老年医保”其实是一种节约金钱的计划,这种观点看上去似乎难以理解。The idea of Medicare as a money-saving program may seem hard to grasp.

你是有份布里托在你的裤兜里还是你只能靠药来让你及格了?Is That A Burrito In Your Pocket or Are You Just Eligible for Medicare?

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会不会停止支付那些为“老年医保”项目服务的医生与医院?Will it stop paying doctors and hospitals that treat Medicare patients?

医疗保险支出预计将在2028年超过社会保险。Medicare expenses are now expected to surpass Social Security's in 2028.

保健医疗制度的出现也加快了共济医院的衰落。The advent of Medicare also hastened the decline of fraternal hospitals.

瑞安提案的核心,就是一份“老年医保”私有化和不向“老年医保”提供资金的计划。The core of the Ryan proposal is a plan to privatize and defund Medicare.

那么,生活福利调查与提高税收究竟有什么不同?So what’s the difference between means-testing Medicare and raising taxes?

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我们必须当机立断,想办法解决医疗保险问题。We'll have to take the bull by the horns and tackle the Medicare question.

广东省与斯科讷省交往主要在教育、环保、医药等领域。GD and Skane have carried out exchanges in education, environment and medicare.

一般说来是可以,但是这麽昂贵的检测健保是不会再给付的。Normally, yes. But Medicare won't pay for these expensive tests more than once.