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搜搜他!Frisk him!

搜查你的家。Frisk your home.

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他们对他彻底搜身寻找毒品。They gave him a thorough frisk for drugs.

他们要对所有乘客搜身吗?Are they going to frisk all the passengers?

他们要搜每个乘客的身吗?Are they going to frisk all the passengers?

羊羔欢跃喜洋洋,牧童整天笛声扬。Lambs frisk and play, the shepherds pipe all day.

在孩子们坐倒他大腿之前,他会叫精灵们搜他们的身子。Before the kids sit on his lap he orders the elves to frisk them.

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切尔西发表声明谴责了任何对弗里斯克的暴力恐吓。Chelsea makes a statement condemning any violent threats to Frisk.

然后他悲叹了一声,彻底搜了迈克尔的身,看他是否带有武器。Then with a doleful sigh, he gave Michael a thorough frisk for a weapon.

德罗巴称切尔西正在欧洲为弗里斯克裁判事件买单。Didier Drogba says Chelsea are paying in Europe for the Anders Frisk affair.

在拦截和搜查武器时,警察发现该人是个逃犯。The policeman found the man was a fugitive during a stop and frisk for weapons.

瑞典裁判弗里斯克因两年前蓝军主帅穆里尼奥在与巴萨一役后指责而退休。Swedish referee Frisk retired from football two years ago after a bust-up with Blues boss Jose Mourinho in Barcelona.

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2004年9月罗马与基辅迪纳摩的比赛中,弗里斯克曾因被球迷投掷物砸伤而中途退场。Frisk was forced to abandon the match between Roma and Dynamo Kiev in September 2004 after being hit by an object thrown from the crowd.

刚出生的小马,长相很古怪,脚摇摇晃晃的,就它的身体而言,是太长了。A newborn foal looks very strange with wobbly legs that are too long for its body. A foal can frisk at its mother's side a few hours after birth.

但是,如果警察有理由怀疑旁观者也参与了犯罪行为,则可以对其是否携带武器进行拍身搜查。However, if an officer has reason to suspect that an onlooker is also engaged in criminal activity, the officer might be able to "frisk" the onlooker for weapons.

“他当时非常专注于做好自己的工作,”弗里斯克说道,“如果我能观察到他在场上的肢体语言,就会发现他根本没有想到中断比赛。”"I don't think he really had that in his mind, " Frisk said. "If I could read his body language when he was out on the pitch he was very concentrated on doing a good job.

这位葡萄牙教练上赛季就曾因为指责弗里斯克和巴塞罗那主帅里杰卡尔德有串通的行为而受到欧足联的禁赛。The Portuguese coach was also handed a touchline ban by UEFA after accusing referee Anders Frisk of colluding with Barcelona coach Frank Rijkaard during their Champions League tie.

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同时,弗里斯克呼吁要改善比赛中的沟通工作,以避免重蹈覆辙。他相信英国球场内的安全环境就是得益与此。Meanwhile, Frisk has called for improved communication throughout the game to avoid future incidents, and believes the lack of trouble inside English stadiums can be attributed to this.