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勘探真正深邃的洞穴,决非星期日下午散步人的任务。Exploring really deep caves is not a task for the Sunday afternoon rambler.

在参试的94个品种或群体中,仅润布勒杂花苜蓿的一个群体表现为免疫。Among 94 varieties evaluated for disease resistance only one of Rambler populations was immune.

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这说明华逸雄人的勤劳、智慧与务实,更体现公司旺盛的生命力。This shows that the Rambler Garden-the diligence, wisdom and a pragmatic, more exuberant vitality of the company.

有时候,林中的闲游者给斧声吸引了过来,我们就愉快地面对着碎木片瞎谈。Sometimes a rambler in the wood was attracted by the sound of my axe, and we chatted pleasantly over the chips which I had made.

如果你是一个严重的蓝巴勒海峡,您可以非常具体的季节,目的地的步伐,甚至你的目标加息。If you're a serious rambler , you'll be very specific about the season, the destination, the pace and even the goal of your hike.

为什么洞空能引发人的那种探险本能,人们对此只能有一种模模糊糊的理解。They arouse instincts which can only be dimly understoodExploring really deep caves is not a task for the Sunday afternoon rambler.

上周末,德国一家四口在比利牛斯山徒步旅行时,女主人被一群奶牛啃咬并乱蹄踩踏至昏迷,现仍在医院抢救。A German rambler is in critical condition after being gored, trampled on and knocked unconscious last weekend by a herd of mountain cows.

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文中提出了一种新的漫游车自主导航技术,将扫描激光器和摄像机相结合,以代替计算机视觉中配准的作用。A new technique of rambler automatic navigation, combing scan laser with camera to substitute the function of image matching, is proposed in this paper.

上周二,一名游客在同一地点遭奶牛袭击,后脑勺、脸部、四肢受伤。Last Tuesday, in a separate attack on the same mountain, another rambler was set upon by the cows, suffering wounds in the back of the head, face and arms and legs.

机铁蓝巴勒海峡大桥的结构工程已于二月竣工,而中环行人隧道亦已于十一月贯通,使机铁香港站和现有的中环地铁站连接起来。Rambler Channel Bridge was structurally completed. In November, breakthrough was achieved at the Central Subway, joining the AR Hong Kong Station with the existing MTR Central Station.