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因此,适当的赔偿非常重要。Proper indemnification is, therefore, extremely important.

但没有人理他,赔偿更是一分钱也没有。But no one manage him, the indemnification is also penny money to also have no.

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保护与赔偿义务条款在“提交内容条款”中继续存在。This defense and indemnification obligation will survive these Terms For Submitting Content.

如果我的产品达不到你的质量标准,我会对你的损失作出赔偿。If my product could not reach your quality standard , I would make an indemnification to your loss.

应通过多方面的改革,以提高注册会计师的民事赔偿能力。Some relative measurements should be adopted to improve the CPA's capacity of civil indemnification.

目的对头面部遭受钝性暴力所致严重视神经挫伤案例的赔偿医学问题进行探讨。Objective To research the indemnification medical problem about the contusion of the head and the face.

在与经理人所签订的雇佣合同上,我们有法定的赔偿义务。We may also have contractual indemnification obligations under our employment agreements with our officers.

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“赔偿方”是指被“受偿方”提起本条项下索赔的任何人。"Indemnitor" means any person against whom an Indemnitee makes a claim for indemnification under this Article.

保险公司可能会拒绝赔偿在出现损坏或偷盗时,在地上的包装不当。The insurance company might refuse indemnification in case of damage or pilferage, on the ground of improper packing.

除非承包商同意了广泛的形式赔偿协议,这种限制并不代表一个大问题。Unless the contractor agrees to a broad form indemnification agreement, this limitation does not represent a big problem.

第二百三十八条保险人赔偿保险事故造成的损失,以保险金额为限。Article238 The insurer's indemnification for the loss from the peril insured against shall be limited to the insured amount.

赔偿还包括公司代理费以及解决申诉或索赔时所产生的全部费用。The indemnification shall include Company's attorney fees and expenses in defending any claim or demand indemnified against.

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但是国家承担的是一种补充责任,在其做出补偿后即取得向权益侵害人追偿的权利。What nation undertakes is to add a responsibility, which means the state can make track for indemnification from trespasser.

“受偿方”是指向“赔偿方”提出本条项下赔偿的任何人及其“关联方”。"Indemnitee" means any person who makes a claim for indemnification under this Article and each Affiliate of the Indemnitee.

公司只能在本分章所允许的范围内向董事或高级职员提供费用补偿或预付费用。A corporation may provide indemnification or advance expenses to a director or an officer only as permitted by this subchapter.

证券民事赔偿制度在西方被认为是维护证券市场发展的重要基石。The civil case indemnification system in the west to pass for is an important cornerstone that supports stock market's development.

公共构筑物致害责任无论是实务还是司法解释都认为是民事赔偿责任。The explanation of responsibility of public construct with harm result is considered the civil case indemnification responsibility.

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机动车第三者责任保险以被保险人依法应当对第三人承担的赔偿责任为标的。The third party motor liability insurance with insured should by law to the third party undertake of indemnification responsibility for object.

但我仍然担心万一发生损坏或偷盗,保险公司可能会以包装不当为理由拒绝赔偿。But still I'm afraid that in case of damage or pilferage, the insurance company might refuse indemnification on the grounds of improper packing.

研究房改十年以来我国住房保障的发展过程,对于正确认知其未来的发展方向具有重要的意义。The study of the developmental process of Chinese housing indemnification has great significance to cognize the future direction of it correctly.