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如果他失败了,只能让其保级。If he fails, its relegation to the minor league.

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由此可见,要想避免降级,莱切得好好费些思量。It will take something very special to avoid relegation.

降到丙级将是灾难性的。Relegation to the Third Division would prove catastrophic.

降级至意乙是其中一种可能,但并非唯一结果。Relegation to Serie B is one possibility, but not the only one.

在降级后面的是每年赞助下降的百分比。On relegation the salary per anno is decreasing by the shown percent.

我认为下个赛季伯明翰城队最有可能降级。I think Birmingham City are prime candidates for relegation next season.

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在这里,我就不提那些为保级而战,作出贡献的队友们的名字了。It's useless to make names of those who will be fighting for relegation.

他们的对手——比利亚雷亚尔和皇家萨拉戈萨——显得简直是不堪一击。Their opponents – Real Zaragoza and Villarreal – are hardly relegation fodder.

贬谪的遭遇使“苏门四学士”词的创作发生了很大的变化。The experience of relegation changes the aspects of Ci by Su-Shi four disciples.

威尔谢尔的租借期间也是博尔顿队逐渐走出降级区的时段。Wilshere's loan spell coincided with Bolton's climb away from the relegation zone.

塞维利亚不会陷入保极圈,他们将是本赛季的黑马。Sevilla could be a surprise this season and will avoid playing relegation football.

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法国从桌上上宾到捉襟见肘是战后一个历史性的转变。The relegation of France from top table to scullery would be an historic post-war shift.

加利西亚教练在1987年重新出山,并帮助球队避免了降到丙级联赛。The Galician coach returned in 1987 and saved the squad from the relegation to Segunda B.

对于两个赛季前排名第二的俱乐部来说,竟然有降级之虞真是太落魄了。The prospect of relegation is a comedown for a club that finished second two seasons ago.

埃尔坎同样希望尤文图斯在对阵卡塔尼亚的比赛中有出色的表现。Elkann will be hoping Juventus do well against relegation strugglers Catania this weekend.

根据劳瑞桑切斯,谁是上述无关,富勒姆保级是绝对成熟。Under Laurie Sanchez, who was none of the above, Fulham were absolutely ripe for relegation.

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本文论述海南岛贬谪文学多方面的文化学价值。This article talks about many-sided cultural value of relegation literature on Hainan Island.

接下来要挑战的将是一个斗志昂扬的对手。,因为帕尔马需要摆脱降级区。Their next test is against a very motivated outfit, as Parma need to escape the relegation zone.

尤文图斯希望在这个周末与保级球队卡塔尼亚的比赛中重新回到赢球的轨道。Juventus will hope to return to winning ways against relegation strugglers Catania at the weekend.