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想要我的妈咪,在1974年出版,改变了小儿科护理的面貌。Want my mummy, published in 1974, changed the face of paediatric nursing.

为临床小儿心外科手术提供了直接的形态学依据。The morphologic basis is directly offered for the paediatric thoracic surgery.

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为儿科实践教学的改革提供了一种新的模式。EBM provides a new mode for the reformation of the paediatric student teaching.

在安哥拉的最近一次暴发之前,儿科病例被认为极为罕见。Prior to the present outbreak in Angola, paediatric cases were considered extremely rare.

我们已经委托其他独立的儿科医生进行全面的调查。We have commissioned a full external investigation being led by an independent paediatric doctor.

现在多数儿童内分泌学家都同意发达国家儿童青春发育期年龄在快速下降。Most paediatric endocrinologists now agree that the age of puberty is falling fast in developed nations.

卫生部还为儿科医护机构提供了更多资源。Additional resources have also been provided to paediatric health care providers by the Ministry of Health.

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评估捷克共和国儿童的烫伤风险因素,并提出预防措施建议。To assess risk factors for paediatric burn injuries in the Czech Republic and to suggest preventive measures.

其他挑战包括需要就儿科药物开展更多的临床试验和研究。Other challenges include the need for more clinical trials and research to be carried out on paediatric medicines.

国际药品采购机制刺激了产品改进,包括改进艾滋病和结核病药物的儿童配方。UNITAID has provided an incentive for product improvements, including paediatric formulations for AIDS and TB drugs.

两种办法配合使用,是目前婴幼儿烧伤治疗中较为理想的好方法。So bandaging and non- bandaging methods can be used in conjunction to give ideal results in treating paediatric burns.

过去用于治疗疟疾、孕产妇和新生儿保健以及治疗结核病的儿科配方的可及性尚可。Availability of paediatric formulations for treatments of malaria, maternal and newborn care, and tuberculosis was fair.

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儿神经外科医生伊恩·波普尔是带头研究人员之一,他说他希望这项手术技术不久将会用于国家医疗服务系统。Paediatric neurosurgeon Ian Pople, one of the lead researchers, said he hoped the technique would soon be used in the NHS.

作者报告了29年来经手术和病理证实的小儿颅内肿瘤1,534例。The authors report 1,534 cases of paediatric intracranial tumours confirmed pathologically and surgically during 29 years.

国际药品采购机制提供了一种奖励措施,用于改进产品,例如研制结核病药物的儿科配方。UNITAID has provided an incentive for product improvement, such as the development of paediatric formulations of TB drugs.

目的制备治疗儿科疾病的罗红霉素中空栓剂并对其质量控制进行研究。Objective To prepare Roxithromycin Hollow Suppository and to study its quality control in order to treat paediatric diseases.

由于儿科患者通常较少并存基础病,这种情况常可以通过积极的外科治疗挽救。In paediatric patients where there are often fewer co- morbidities , the situation can sometime be salvaged with extensive surgery.

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德罗巴拿出5百万英镑来,为这座儿童医院提供建设、员工和补给的资金。Drogba has set himself the task of raising ?. 5million towards the construction, staffing and supplies of a new paediatric hospital.

但在心脏护理至儿科护理的专业领域中,核对表或许可以成为像听诊器那样的日常医疗必备物品。But in specialties ranging from cardiac care to paediatric care, they could become as essential in daily medicine as the stethoscope.

介绍国内现代化的儿科心脏外科术后监护病房的建设与设计理念,平面布置,标准采用,空气卫生技术等,供参考。The construction and design concept, the layout the applied Standard and air hygiene of the paediatric cordis Surgery ICU are explained.