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施特略夫用他那对愁苦的眼睛瞪了我一眼。Stroeve gave me a look with his woeful eyes.

悲伤的灵魂在无底的深潭里哭泣。Woeful souls are wailing in an abysmal pond.

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昨夜北京大风,声音凄厉。Last night Beijing was in strong wind with woeful sounds.

阿刘忽然进来,哭丧着脸向他讨小费。Ah Liu suddenly entered with a woeful look and asked for a tip.

大多数家庭严重缺乏基本的营养知识。Most parents have a woeful lack of knowledge about basic nutrition.

同时,印度在保护方面所作的努力却匮乏的可怜,而且越来越差劲。At the same time, conservation efforts in India have fallen from woeful to worse.

它张开嘴哀叫一声,两颗大的泪珠从眼里掉下来。He opened his mouth to utter a woeful howl, two big teardrops rolling down his cheeks.

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睡觉睡到手抽筋,数钱数到自然醒。The most woeful thing is hand twitching wakes you up and cash counting ending naturally.

这场危机的糟糕遗留物可能是一个超大型的贪婪吞食纳税人账单的银行系统。The woeful legacy of the crisis could be a supersized banking system gorging on the taxpayers’ tab.

据这位律师说官方公布数据是178死1800伤,这是一组被低估的悲伤的数据。According to Rustam the official toll from the riots – 178 dead and 1,800 injured – is a woeful underestimate.

如果我们能从卢旺达惨剧得出什么教训,那便是联合国应对紧急情况时表现龌龊。If Rwanda taught us anything, it should be that the U.N. is a woeful instrument for responding to an emergency.

他说,美国糟糕的经济形势是“由于某些人的贪婪和不负责任而导致的”。The woeful state of the economy, he said, is “a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some”.

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但是,他的同学对他不够尊重这个事实并没有阻止迈克坚持讲他悲哀的故事。Still, the lack of respect shown by his classmates did not hinder mike from persisting with telling his woeful tales.

带著字幕看上十部电影,不如按照我的方法将一部电影吃透来得有效。With subtitles liking than ten films in accordance with my method will continually reappropriated often woeful movie.

几小时忧郁的盘算和强烈的负罪感没能带来任何进展,却留给我对当天事件的一腔痛苦悔恨。Hours of melancholy calculation and terrible guilt gave no progress, and left me with a woeful regret for the day's events.

然而,内阁中分歧不断,对未来两年的财政预算也还未展开详备的讨论,这些都令人忧心不已。外国盟友在思忖。But discord in the cabinet, and a woeful absence of discussion about the budget next year and beyond, have left many worried.

原因是在他们6年的研究期间,接触到的港口记录零星散乱,仅三分之一的非法船只有迹可循。The ports' records were in woeful shape, tracking the movement of only one-third of those boats during the six-year research period.

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“Foulsball”指网民对于悲哀的中国足坛非法操纵比赛、非正当裁判和非法赌球的愤怒。"Foulsball" showed the anger of netizens towards woeful Chinese soccer affected by match-fixing, crooked referees, and illegal gambling.

Poikonen博士认为,有一个真实的用药错误率和投资回报与BCMA的证据严重不足。Dr. Poikonen believes there is a woeful lack of evidence regarding the true medication error rate and the return on investment with BCMA.

比起在这些国家替代了苏联统治政府的贪婪腐败行为更加可怕的,是发生在高加索地区的恐怖暴力行为。Even more woeful than the kleptocratic gangsterism that has replaced Soviet rule in 'the Stans' is the frightful violence in the Caucasus.