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可叹呵,我曾与她相识!Alas Oh, I have met with her!

呜呼。讨厌这个自私的我!Alas. Dislikes this selfish me !

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唉,为什么,既怵于时光的专横。Alas why fearing of time's tyranny.

哎呀呀,我不喜欢现在的生活啊。Alas the day! I don't like the life like now.

伊阿古不要哭,不要哭。唉!Iago. Do not weep, do not weep. Alas the day!

可惜,他为钱把这里卖给了我的前度情夫。Alas he sold this place to my ex-lover for money.

时间疾步,是你说的?啊不,哎呀,时间常驻,我们疾步。Time goes, you say? Ah no! Alas , Time stays, we go.

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我们有子弹横飞,火车爬行。但就是没有子弹头火车。We have bullets flying. Trains crawling. But alas no bullet-trains.

唉,不过如果意识以任何方式相混杂的话,这就没有可能。Alas this is not possible if consciousness is blended in any manner.

但当闹钟响起的时候,你觉得你像完全没睡过一样!But alas when the alarm rings, you feel as if you had no sleep at all!

我必须撑出我的船去。时光都在岸边挨延消磨了——不堪的我呵!I must launch out my boat. The languid hours pass by on the shore -- Alas for me!

前几天丢了半条命,唉真可惜,幸好还剩半条。Lost half lot a few days ago, alas true regrettablly, return remnant fortunately half.

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哎----!当我抵达这里时,才听说福尔摩莎被封锁了,所以我不能回去了。Alas! alas I arriving here I was told that Formosa was blockaded, so I could not return.

过了几年,张堪一病呜呼,丢下一家老小艰辛度日。Several years later, Zhang Kan alas a disease, leaving a hard to make ends meet youngest.

中国有子弹头火车,我们有子弹横飞,火车爬行,就是没有子弹头火车。China has bullet trains, We have bullets flying. Trains crawling. But alas no bullet-trains.

呜呼,创新者的DNA可遇不可得,且迥异于乔布斯的种种产品,全无克隆复制之可能焉。The innovator’s DNA is rare, alas. And unlike Mr Jobs’s products, it is impossible to clone.

生活在这样的一个按照菜单点菜的环境中,这也不算是什么新鲜的事。In the a-la-carte travel environment we’re increasingly living in, this is no surprise, alas.

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结果对撒旦来说不幸的是,上帝的统治,实际上还是依靠的真正的力量。Now alas for Satan, it turned out that God's monarchy was actually based on genuine strength.

哀哉!耶和华的日子临近了。这日来到,好象毁灭从全能者来到。Alas for the day! for the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come.

遗憾的是,这只有在没有大量人类居住的地方才运作良好,因为人类给这个和音增加了一种酸涩的声音。Alas this only works well where humans are not living by in large , as humans add a sour sound unto the mix.