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智慧果会带给人类死亡。The fruit did bring death to humankind.

你有什麽想问我的呢?What suprises you most about humankind?

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人类除了退缩之外还能做什麽呢?What can humankind do, other than cower?

因此在卡利年代,物类会被彻底毁灭。Thus in the Kali Age humankind will be utterly destroyed.

人类有能力生活在自由与和平之中。Humankind has the ability to live in freedom and in peace.

历史记录史事的演变。History of humankind in the period before recorded history.

它永远无法,混合所有的人类。It can never be something that incorporates all of humankind.

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卫生工作使我们所有的人能够表示我们对人类的博爱。Health work allows all of us to express our humanity to humankind.

我们很少考虑它对环境和人类的影响。We rarely think of how it all affects the environment and humankind.

神法就是指上帝赋予人类的直接的启示,具体指圣经。Divine law is God's direct revelation to humankind through the Scriptures.

但是生物学家开始对人类形成了普遍比较乐观的看法。But biologists are beginning to form a generally sunnier view of humankind.

但是总的来说,他们也是全人类共同的问题。But by and large they are thesame problems that affect humankind everywhere.

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确保外空和平利用符合全人类的共同利益。To ensure peaceful use of outer space is in the common interest of humankind.

那就是为什么人类奔向大自然,去看泥土并闻其芬芳的原因。That is why humankind runs to the greeneries of nature, to look nad to smell it.

这部电影的背景被设定在未来,在天网和人类之间全面战争爆发的时期。The film is set in the future, in a full-scale war between Skynet and humankind.

世界自然遗产是大自然馈赠给人类的珍贵遗存。The world natural heritages are precious remains granted to humankind by nature.

资本主义和新自由主义的提供者对人类只有腐烂和自私。Capitalism and neo-liberalism offers only rottenness and selfishness to humankind.

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而是在历史重大事件及,与人类关系上起很大作用。He was known through history, events and a particular relationship with humankind.

工作是医治人间一切病痛和疾苦的万应良药。Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset humankind.

蔡伦对人类最大的贡献是发明了纤维纸及其造纸术。He made great contribution to humankind for his invention of paper-making technique.