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这就是善果么。That is a good result.

能告诉我比赛结果吗?Can you tell the result?

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那个结果,它有一个名字。It has a name, that result.

请把结果函告我们。Please write us the result.

天知道会有什麽样的结果?Who knows what will result?

成效不显。The result is not so marked.

结局当然也是好不了多少。But the result was no better.

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我已把结果电告他了。I telegraphed him the result.

我想要一个满意的成绩。I want a satisfactory result.

我的命运全靠那项结果。My fortune lies on the result.

对于这个结果他很悲伤。He is unhappy about the result.

如果把3自乘两次,得数为27。If you cube 3,the result is 27.

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结果在我的意料之中。The result met my expectations.

长幼无序的结果怎样呢?What is the result of all this?

现在重新启动并检查结果。Now reboot and check the result.

结果是各方僵持不下。The result is a global standoff.

结果非常有说服力。The result is pretty convincing.

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因为它的变化不会引起结果的改变The result survives this change.

但结果却是纯尼德兰式的。But the result is purely Flemish.

她是由于下雪而来迟了。She was late as a result of snow.