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芽在春天萌发。Buds sprout in the spring.

一球对豆芽菜的执念。Crazy for the bean sprout.

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马铃薯一年发两次芽。Potatoes sprout twice a year.

植物的嫩芽破土而出。Plants sprout out of the ground.

春风一刮,芽儿萌发。Spring breeze, sprout germinate.

鹿在多大的时候开始长出角?。When do deer first sprout horns?

植物长芽、枝或发育。To grow or sprout as a plant does.

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出苗至成熟为90天左右。Sprout to mature for 90 days or so.

洋葱正对于大耳朵英语网站在抽芽。The onions stpainting to sprout up.

又有哪些能幸运地发芽。And who could sprout up so blessedly.

过几天,你就可以看到小芽了。In several days, you can see a sprout.

黄豆芽又叫如意菜。Soyabean sprout is also called Ruyi dish.

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菜苗又瘦又黄,死不长。Sprout is thin and yellow, died not long.

早熟,出苗到采收58天。Early maturity, sprout to harvest 58 days.

温室姜芽主要出口到日本国。Ginger sprout are mainly exported to Japan.

他每劈一下,一根柴火就开始发芽了!Once he split, one log began to sprout leaves.

是非之心,智之端也。The heart of approval is the sprout of wisdom.

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发育成小小的、毛茸茸的幼苗。The seeds sprout into small, hairlike seedings.

是否发芽生长?今年能否含苞怒放?Has it begun to sprout? Will it bloom this year?

在砧木萌动到展叶期嫁接为好。In the rootstock sprout to leaf grafting as well.