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他们吵吵嚷嚷要求增加工资。They are clamorous for better pay.

而瀑布也似乎分外的。向了。The waterfall seemed unusually clamorous too.

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你知道我很讨厌拥挤而且吵闹的城市。You know I hate the crowded and clamorous cities.

百鬼多狰狞,上帝总无言。Ghosts are hideously clamorous while God is silent.

好怀念朋友们在我身边吵吵闹闹的日子。I've also missed the clamorous days with my friends.

每当我去看视父亲的的时候,总有一个声音在那里大喊大叫。There is always a clamorous din when I go to visit my father.

此起彼落的声音犹如小鸡咯咯的喧闹声。Each voice, rising and falling like the clamorous cackling of chickens.

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舒适的黑夜拥有母亲的美,而热闹的白日具有孩子的美。The silent night has the beauty of the mother and the clamorous day of the child.

巷陌中的这一切,忙碌却不浑乱,活泼却不嘈杂,平淡却不厌烦。Such back streets are busy but not chaotic lively but not clamorous plain but not wearisome.

普拉西斯像只垂死挣扎的野兽,咆哮着,怒吼着,GMU在它震耳欲聋的呼号里喀喀作响。Praxis bellowed and roared like some tortured animal, rattling the GMU with its clamorous cries.

这种情况可能让我们成了全世界最吵闹、最固执己见的国家。This kind of circumstance may let us become the state with the the most clamorous , most bigoted whole world.

这是一个位在城市边缘,被发臭的河道与紊乱的高架桥包围的儿童乐园。This is an amusement park on the edge of the city, hemmed in between an odoriferous river and a clamorous overhead expressway.

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普洛克托上校和福克先生,拿着手枪,立即走出了决斗场,赶到前面发出更加激烈的枪声和喊声的车厢去了。Colonel Proctor and Mr Fogg, revolvers In hand, hastily quitted their prison, and rushed forward where the noise was most clamorous.

但意大利“真实”的街道应该是充满激情的,艺术使人们来到南部喧闹的那不列斯。But for the 'real' Italy of street smarts, passion, and arrangiarsi—the art of making do—come south to the clamorous world of Naples.

他们的舞台表演总是令人瞠目结舌地喧嚣暴动,且屡次以失控收场。Their on-stage performances are always staggering, clamorous , violent and out of control. Usually there was a theme for every different gig.

千年古刹宝光寺,在喧嚣尘世中支撑着一方信众的虔诚信仰。Bao Guang Monastery, a thousand-year-old ancient monastery, provides a spiritual shelter for a large group of believers in this clamorous world.

艺术家以诗意的情怀为游客提供了一个私密性的停留和冥想之所,在喧嚣的城市中营造出一方小小的田园净土。The artist poetically provides a private space for the tourists to stay and meditate, creating a small piece of pure land in the clamorous city.

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圣安托万正叹叫着要求它的酒店老板去负责监押那死守巴士底狱、向人民开炮的要塞总监。Saint Antoine was clamorous to have its wine-shop keeper foremost in the guard upon the governor who had defended the Bastille and shot the people.

独自面对一方池塘,夏夜里便有蛙此起彼伏的喧嚣和聒噪,是另一种自然的天籁。Another sound of nature wafts into my ears when I enjoy my sitting solitude facing a pool, the frogs incessantly croaking and clamorous in the vicinity.

在众声喧哗的当代文坛,李锐是坚持用思想写作、有着理性自觉和浓烈悲剧意识的悲剧作家之一。In the clamorous contemporary literary world, Lirui is one of writers with rational consciousness and strong tragic consciousness who stick to writing by thinking.