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我想看专家门诊。I want to see the specialist.

我是个做学问的,一个专家。I was a scholar, a specialist.

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他是个肿瘤科医生。He is a specialist in oncology.

谢德医生是一位心脏病专家。Doctor Shade was a heart specialist.

她是古生物学方面的专家。She is a specialist in paleontology.

他是研究飞碟的专家吗?Is he the specialist who studies UFO?

萨尔·马里奥是该监狱的案例专家。Sal Mauriello is a case specialist there.

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所以我联系了一位儿科创伤专家。So, I contacted a child trauma specialist.

劳永乐是感染及传染病专科医生。Dr Lo is a specialist in infectious diseases.

农民们把他看做专家。The peasants looked upon him as a specialist.

这并不意味着你要成为一名专家。This does not mean you need to be a specialist.

这狗是一个从事与水禽专家。This engaging dog is a specialist with waterfowl.

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专家内科,胃肠病,德国。Dr. Andreas Zipf, Specialist of Internal Medicine.

然后,过程转到索赔专家那里。The process then moves on to the claim specialist.

为了达到最佳效果,请联系置业专家。For best results, contact a home-buying specialist.

作者是联合早报的一位专栏作家。The writer is a Specialist Writer of Lianhe Zaobao.

有哪位藻类专家能立刻打电话转接分机4324?Will any algae specialist call extension 4324 stat?

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福朗兹是一个美洲印第安人语言学家。Franz was a specialist in American Indian languages.

她在高收视率方面是专家,而在经典古籍方面并非如此。She's a specialist in high ratings, not the Classics.

“这是一个问题,”亚利桑那大学的环形山专家H。"That's a problem, " comments cratering specialist H.