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沉默是金。Silence is gold.

他渴望宁静。He craves silence.

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宁静是疗养。Silence is healing.

我沉默地等待着。I waited in silence.

在静默中聆听。Listen in the silence.

智慧莫过沉默。No wisdom love silence.

安静地重复呼吸。Repeat that in silence.

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全场肃静无声。A solemn silence reigned.

不要在沉默中隐忍。Do not suffer in silence.

大厅里寂静无声。Silence ruled in the hall.

斯密斯德站着,缄默不语。Smithers stood in silence.

一切寂静无声。There fell a deep silence.

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你们的沉默是震耳欲聋的。Your silence is deafening.

一声惊叫声打破了寂静。A scream broke the silence.

不要怕沉默。Don't be afraid of silence.

顺乎自然,不出差错。Silence never make mistake.

他收买他们,使他们闭口不言。He bribed them into silence.

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以沉默来施洗你的灵魂吧。Wash your soul with silence.

沉默,只是沉默,此时无声胜有声。Oh, how deafening is silence.

她蹙眉使他沉默。She frowned him into silence.