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激潮是海面下一种强大的暗流。Riptide is a strong underwater current.

潮汐波浪现在也能生效于潮汐激流。Tidal Waves will now also proc with Riptide.

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自然的,处理方法是脱离激流。Naturally, the way to handle it is to get out of the riptide.

我们目前在这方面做到的法术有迅捷治疗和激流。What I am really getting at are things like Swiftmend and Riptide.

沙床边缘非常陡峭,并且激流的吸力将妇人往下拽。The sand dropped off steeply, and a riptide was sucking the woman un-der.

人群还在不断地扩大,我“陷进”了四川人民好奇心的洪流。And the crowd was still growing. I was TRAPPED by a riptide of Sichuanese curiosity!

激潮是海面下一种强大的暗流,从海岸迅速地流向大海。Riptide is a strong underwater current. It moves quickly away from shore and out to sea.

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除了从窒息从自救过来以外,他还从墨西哥的Acapilco成功的将自己从激流中救出。In addition to surviving choking, he also saved his own life in a riptide in Acapulco, Mexico.

除了从窒息中生还,他还在墨西哥阿卡普尔科激流中救了自己的命。In addition to surviving choking, he also saved his own life in a riptide in Acapulco , Mexico.

这几个人在一个被称为“魔鬼打碗”的区域里陷入了一个激流。The group was surfing in an area known as "Devil's Punchbowl" when they got caught in a riptide.

上岸后才知道,我的朋友谢大师也在刚才那地方被激流冲了起来,为此他还把拖钩给扯断了。Landed just know, my friend thank masters have in just that place was riptide rushed up, for that he also put drawbar to break.

当汹涌而来的风险和不确定成为过去,而我忍不住再次回味时,我忽然发现,我非常享受在经历险境时那种深刻的平和。Smack in the riptide of all this danger and uncertainty I suddenly find myself enjoying the deepest peace of the whole expedition.

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在旅游旺季,游览长城的人实际上不像是自由走动,更像是身不由己地被激流席卷,你周围拥挤着的所有人推挤着你向前。On a busy day this must be more like getting swept up in a riptide than actually walking, as the movement of all the people packed around you would propel you forwards.