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一间干净的房子是一个浪费的人生的标志。A clean house is a sign of a misspent life.

但是我觉得,霍兰先生认为自己生命的很大一部分虚度了。And yet I get the feeling that he considers a great part of his own life misspent.

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在细胞杂交过程中计算和报道血球凝集的滴定度是浪费时间。It is misspent time to calculate and report hemagglutinating titers for cell hybrid studies.

我们年轻的时候确实在弹子球上荒废了不少时间,所以现在那些自以为是的年轻人永远也赶不上。It says that because we misspent our youth, the young whippersnappers are never going to catch up.

我以前的情人本就是我过往的一部份,他代表了我逝去的青春,以及很多对我来说重要而美好的回忆。My old lover represents a part of my past, my misspent youth, and many memories that are important to me.

在部分我露了一手青年,我是一个送货司机知名比萨饼制作组织。During a portion of my misspent youth, I was a delivery driver for a well-known pizza-making organization.

我想你此去决不会白白浪费时间的,因为这件案子有一些特点,看来它可能是极为独特的。And I think that your time will not be misspent , for there are points about the case which promise to make it an absolutely unique one.

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为了在晦运时,不至于因虚度时光而后悔或自责,我努力让自己充实地生活。I try to live fully so that when and if my luck changes there will be little room for regret or recrimination over time lost or misspent.

本周,谈判进展的消息灵通人士透露,中国向国际基金组织保证,它将退还被滥用的资金。This week, sources familiar with the negotiations said China pledged to the Global Fund that it would repay any funds that were misspent.

很擅长课业,但却脱了轨。幸运的是,一个体育教练鼓励她把精力倾注于跑道之上。Meg excelled at schoolwork but she was off the rails. Fortunately, an athletics coach encouraged her to channel her misspent energy on the track.

我一直欣赏前健康教育与福利部长约翰·加德纳对于这种不正确态度的发人深省的评论。I have loved for a long time the telling comment by John W. Gardner, former Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, on some of those misspent attitudes.

1977年,波拉诺来到欧洲,在那里以自由旅行者的身份虚度了十年光阴,成为被现代社会摒弃的诗人,并染上了毒瘾。In 1977 Bolaño moved to Europe and misspent an entire decade there as an itinerant laborer, living the life of a poète maudit and striking up an acquaintance with heroin.

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如果当时我将这一个小时花在掌握诸如回归分析的自动校正之类的最新技术上,我也许会在以后的生涯中浪费我的生命。Had I instead spent that hour each day learning the latest techniques for mastering the problems of autocorrelation in regression analysis, I would have badly misspent my life.

反而。这个故事是属于森内·凯特,也属于受人们爱戴的伦斯,但是在最后部分又买回了酒醉,她牺牲了她的生命挽救了她的丈夫丹内。Instead, it's the story of Sydney Carton, who is also in love with Lucie, but in the end redeems his drunken, misspent life by sacrificing his own life to save her husband Darnay.

去欧洲旅行若是仅仅只打算去看看风景对于我来说简直是浪费,那里有如此之多的文化差异等着去探寻,也有数不清的艺术体验吸引着我们。The idea of going to Europe just for scenery is my idea of a misspent journey when there are so many different cultures to explore and historical and artistic experiences to absorb.