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这是普林司顿进攻。It's the Princeton offense.

侵犯是最好的防卫。Offense is thebest defense.

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剽窍是严重的违纪行为。Plagiorism is a serious offense.

我只是说她爱生气。I only said she takes offense easily.

窝藏罪犯是犯法的。It is an offense to litter handbills.

请勿乱丢宣传单张,违者必究。It is an offense to litter handbills.

总之,放高利贷是一种犯罪行为。All in all, loan sharking is a offense.

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没有不名誉或犯罪行为的记录的。Having no marks of discredit or offense.

也有些人认为这是无害过错。Others assume it's a victimless offense.

也有些人认为作弊是无害过错。Others assume it's a victimless offense.

可能最糟的错误是二义性。Probably the worst offense is ambiguity.

以守为攻是最佳策略。Well, the best offense is a good defense.

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究竟未遂犯在哪些犯罪中有存在的余地?When a crime could commit attempted offense?

我知道我们没有掌握他什么犯罪的真凭实据来制服他。I knew we had no real offense to hang on him.

骗税是瑞士的犯罪行为。Tax fraud is a criminal offense in Switzerland.

卡尔并没有因任何过错而被拘捕或传讯。Carr was not arrested or cited with any offense.

我希望你不要因我的话而动气。I hope you will not take any offense at my words.

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没有不可原谅的过错。除非你执意孤行。No offense is unforgivable unless you make it so.

他的发言冲犯了在场的所有人。His words gave great offense to everybody present.

首次运毒的最高刑罚是什么,积利?Maximum first-time offense for trafficking, Jared?