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有玛格丽特其人吗?Was there a real Marguerite?

呀,耶稣上帝!"Ah! Jesus God!" cried Marguerite.

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我带着赞赏的心情听着和望着玛格丽特。I heard and saw Marguerite with admiration.

坐吧,玛格丽特,坐到何处桌子旁。Have a seat, Marguerite. Over there by the table.

玛格丽特又关上窗户,布吕丹丝也把窗户闭上了。Marguerite shut her window, and Prudence shut hers.

玛格丽特·菲尔斯是佛蒙特州万宝路学院大三学生。Marguerite Fields is a junior at Marlboro College in Vermont.

除了茶花以外,从来没有人看见过她还带过别的花。Marguerite had never been seen with any flowers but camellias.

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我的父母是玛格丽特和多纳尔证券,我有3个兄弟姐妹。My parents are Marguerite and Donal Lynch and I have 3 siblings.

我不由自主地对玛格丽特的命运产生了怜悯的心情。And in spite of myself, I lamented the fate of Marguerite Gautier.

有棕榈树的小岛又突然发现,雏菊并不只属于秋天。And suddenly I realized that marguerite doesn't belong to falls only.

你在跟一个叫做玛格丽特·戈蒂埃的女人同居,这是真的吗?Is it true that you are living with a woman named Marguerite Gautier?

在普律当丝发表她的高论时,玛格丽特注意地打量着我。While Prudence was making this remark, Marguerite watched me closely.

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玛格丽特。杜拉斯是法国“新小说”派中重要作家。Marguerite Duras is one of important writers in school of New Novels in France.

这一天里,玛格丽特总是惘然若失,心不在焉,忧心忡忡。For the remainder of that day, Marguerite seemed preoccupied, listless, downcast.

从这时起,玛格丽特强颜欢笑,她不再哭了。From then on, Marguerite tried to appear more cheerful. There were no more tears.

在王宫剧院,有一次首场演出,玛格丽特是必去无疑的。There was a first night at the Palais-Royal. Marguerite would obviously be there.

1908年,珍妮·朗万为她的女儿玛格丽特建立了与她同名的服装设计室。In 1908, Jeanne Lanvin founded her eponymous couture house for daughter Marguerite.

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于是普律当丝对我讲了玛格丽特在巴涅尔认识公爵的经过。Prudence then related how Marguerite had become acquainted with the Duke at Bagneres.

到指定的时候,玛格丽特已经回来了,她到迪韦尔诺瓦太太家里来找我。At the appointed time, Marguerite was back and she came to meet me at Madame Duvernoy's.

娜宁一出去,玛格丽特重新坐到我身旁,握住我的手对我说。When Nanine had gone, Marguerite sat down beside me once more and, taking my hand, said.