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如一块草皮对你的安魂曲。To thy high requiem become a sod.

这是一个安魂弥撒曲,什么是弥撒曲It's a Requiem mass. What's a mass?

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任由旋风哀唱其挽歌。Let the whirlwind mourn its requiem.

我会给陆地上走的人唱首安魂曲。I will sing a requiem for the land walkers.

安魂弥撒曲是弥撒曲中特殊的一种The Requiem mass is a particular kind of mass.

求赐他们永远的安息。Dona eis requiem sempiternam. Grant them eternal rest.

假如能够,在我的葬礼上,请用你们在赛场上的欢呼声来做安魂曲。If you can, in my funeral, please use your cheers on the court to do requiem.

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不像那些通常的弥撒曲,安魂弥撒曲,有个很特别的乐章Unlike the regular mass, the Requiem mass has a very special movement associated with it.

巴黎最美丽的教堂之一-马德连教堂将举行一系列圣歌音乐音乐会!Mozart's final masterpiece, the Requiem Mass, will be performed in Saint Sulpice Church in Paris.

1958年,教皇Pius十一世去世了,整个天主教世界都在做安魂弥撒。In October 1958, Pope Pius XII died, and requiem Masses were celebrated around the Catholic world.

这成分听起来如同在一曲忧郁的安魂颂中,有人残酷无情地吹卡祖笛玩。It sounded like someone relentlessly playing the kazoo during one of the more sombre passages of a War Requiem.

正如你将在阅读测试结果,这条赛道上的人表现是最好的是从柏辽兹安魂曲。As you will read in the test results, the track on which people performed the best was from the Berlioz Requiem.

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说完这些,他在吧台上留下小费就走了。从此我再也没有看到过他。也许安魂曲真的写出来了,但我却从未听到过它。And with that he drops a tip on the bar and is gone. I never saw him again. If the Requiem was ever finished, I never heard about it.

一个曾经统治了欧洲几代之久的王国的皇长子,现在为他举行了安魂弥撒和军事仪式。A requiem mass and military honours for a man who was once the crown prince of an empire which dominated central Europe for generations.

这场音乐会将在教廷的主会堂举办,曲目包括莫扎特的「安魂曲」和中国着名民歌「茉莉花」。The concert, to be performed at the Vatican's main auditorium, will include Mozart's Requiem and the well-known Chinese folk song, Jasmine Flower.

这场音乐会将在教廷的主会堂举办,曲目包括莫扎特的「安魂曲」和中国着名民歌「茉莉花」。The concert, to be performed at the Vatican's main auditorium , will include Mozart's Requiem and the well-known Chinese folk song, Jasmine Flower.

但是,对莫扎特来说——此时他身体不好,情绪低落,整天想着死——这个陌生人无异是从另一个世界派来的使者,来命令他写下他自己的安魂曲。But to Mozart--- at that time sick, depressed, haunted by the thought of death--- the stranger seemed a messenger from the other world , bidding him write his own requiem.

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最后,森村以三岛由纪夫作为文化载体成就自我的「日本回归」,也制作致赠20世纪历史男性的安魂曲。Finally, Morimura accomplishes his own "return to Japan" through the cultural carrier of Mishima Yukio, and also composes requiem dedicated to the 20th century historical Men.

音乐上,这是莫扎特创作力最为旺盛的时期,许多最著名的交响乐、协奏曲和歌剧作品都是在这个时期创作完成的,此外还有他的最后一部作品——未能完成的安魂曲。Musically, this was a period of outstanding creativity which saw the production of many of his best known symphonic, concertante and operatic works, and his final, incomplete Requiem.