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他兴高采烈地叫休息一会儿。He jubilantly called for a break.

人们兴致勃勃地参加游园活动。People jubilantly took part in the festival celebrations in the parks.

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他们欢快地进了考场,教授把考卷发给他们。Jubilantly they field into the classroom. The professor passedoutthe papers.

老范率全家人踩着一地的碎红,喜气洋洋地来到了新家楼前。Fan family's old rate to kill one of broken red, were jubilantly went to the home front.

从东方到西方,全世界都在喜气洋洋地庆祝2000年的到来。From the East to the West, the whole world is jubilantly celebrating the coming of year 2000.

“好,你就在那看吧。小心点儿,别摔下来。”警察心情愉悦地走开了。Good, you just stay there and watch. Please be careful. Don't fall off. " The police jubilantly walked away."

队员以为将毫无争议地进入八强,在赛后兴高采烈地合影留念。The member thought that will not dispute enters eight, after the game takes a group souvenir photo jubilantly.

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这种微笑似乎来源于某一次酣畅淋漓、透不气的、神秘的欢欣,其中包含着得意、猥亵的本性。It seemed to come from some huge choking secret glee and there was in it a quality that was jubilantly obscene.

不久,巴顿和福勒就开始喜气洋洋的庆祝曼城的扳平入球了。Pretty soon though, it was Barton and Robbie Fowler who were jubilantly celebrating following City's unexpected equaliser.

奎师那非常喜欢森林里的气氛,林中鲜花盛开,蜜蜂高兴地嗡嗡叫着飞舞着。Kåñëa was very pleased with the atmosphere of the forest, where flowers bloomed and bees and drones hummed very jubilantly.

六哥看着镜子里面的红肿迅速的消失,不禁欣喜若狂,手舞足蹈起来。Six elder brothers seeing by the red and swollen fast wane in the mirror and can not help jubilantly merry, dancing and ticket.

父亲叹了口气,走进车房,却发现那北京幼儿英语乐观孩子正兴高采烈地在马粪里掏着什么。The father sighs, enters the garage, discovered actually that optimistic child jubilantly is pulling out any in the horse dung.

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1996年,时任加拉塔萨莱伊主教练的他在土耳其杯赛决赛之后,高兴地抓起一面巨大的俱乐部队旗,插在了费内巴切的球场上。In 1996 the Galatasaray manager jubilantly grabbed a huge club flag and stuck it on the Fenerbahce pitch after the Turkish Cup final.

一群小学生兴高采烈地来到草坪上,庆祝刚获得的学校运动会足球赛冠军。A group of pupils were celebrating in the field jubilantly after emerging as the champion of the school's Sports' Day Soccer Competition.

作为此项典礼的一个传统结尾,毕业生将军帽喜气洋洋地抛向空中,与此同时有雷鸟战机在上空飞过。The ceremony included an Air Force Thunderbirds flyover as graduates jubilantly tossed their hats in the air, a traditional ending to the event.

在这种可能的氛围当中,你们将超越冷漠和排外主义,兴高采烈地向围绕在你们的宇宙进发。In this new climate-of-the-possible, you will sail beyond apathy and xenophobia and reach out jubilantly to the living universe that surrounds you.

你亲手编织的毛衣给狗狗,它会兴高采烈地乖乖穿上,绝不会嫌这嫌那。Three, you personally weave of the sweater is to the dog dog, it would jubilantly the darling put on, in no case would suspicion this suspicion that.

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各族各界群众身着鲜艳的民族服装,怀着无比喜悦的心情,兴高采烈地来到巴特尔体育场。The various races populace from all walks of life wear the bright national dress, harbors the incomparably joyful mood, comes to the Bateer stadium jubilantly.

事实上,这为雅利安人带来了他们热切期望的战争优势,在大多数民众的支持下,他们高兴地增加了其使用率。Indeed it gave the zealous Aryans the battle advantage they so fervently desired, and they jubilantly increased its usage, with support of most of the populace.

无论欣喜若狂,还是忧心忡忡,想起家来,心头便少了一份不安和忧愁,多了一份宁静与温暖。Regardless jubilantly happy, still be worry, the reminded of home comes, the at heart was then little one is uneasy and worry, having another one quite and warm.