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卡梅伦称,媒体与警界都陷入一场危机。Cameron said that a "firestorm" has hit the media and police.

肯尼迪用自我拆台的自命不凡来对付愤怒的烈火。Kennedy handled the firestorm of outrage with self-defeating smugness.

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对于陆川而言,该片在英国的上映是从去年开始的那次大骚动的一次救赎。For Lu, a UK release is a redemption after the firestorm of the last year.

最猛烈的“风暴”是由教师考试计划引发的。The biggest firestorm by far was generated by the teacher-testing program.

围绕无意象思维实验引发了一场激烈的论战。The experiments of imageless thought triggered a firestorm of controversy.

一条原油管线爆炸,原油泄漏流进黄海,巨大的火球风暴燃烧了15个小时。Crude oil leaked into the Yellow Sea, then burned in a huge firestorm for 15 hours.

奇虚乐撞击带来的火灾与接下来的污染是毁灭性的。The firestorm created by the Chicxulub impact and the subsequent pollution were devastating.

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这篇文章引起了火爆的评论和博客,制造了巨大的争议。This article has created a firestorm of comments and blogs and created tremendous controversy.

这件事直接导致了席卷突尼斯和中东其他地区的一场风暴。The immediate consequence was to ignite a firestorm that engulfed Tunisia and the wider Middle East.

我们的贡献已经引起了相当大的火灾,造成大量的引文,讨论和辩论。Our contribution has caused quite a firestorm , with a significant number of citations, discussions and debates.

也许正因此,我才未对这本可能是2011年的第一本书表示愤怒,并对其发出强烈的谴责。Perhaps that’s why I’m not outraged by what is perhaps the first book of 2011 to unleash a firestorm of condemnation.

所以我们要报道这个事情,结果在纽约市掀起了巨大的媒体风暴。So that's why we pick up the slack. And we wrote a story and there was big media firestorm in the city, " says Toomer."

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文章在CNN网站刊登后1500条评论蜂拥而来,我们知道引起了读者的共鸣,需要让议题的双方都有说话的余地。A firestorm of 1, 500 comments later, we knew we had struck a chord and needed to make room for both sides of the story.

正如您可能已经预见的,这在社会上引发了轩然大波-类似于我们在这个国家已经习惯看到的环境辩论。As you might expect, that’s ignited a firestorm – akin to the environmental debates we’re used to seeing in this country.

但是取而代之的,公司发现它本身正在面对一群火爆脾气的愤怒的用户,和来自于隐私拥护者和博客充斥着的批评。But instead, the company found itself facing a firestorm of angry users and awash in criticism from privacy advocates and bloggers.

但是取而代之的,公司发现它本身正在面对一群火爆脾气的愤怒的用户,和来自于隐私拥护者和博客充斥着的批评。Butt instead, the company found itself facing a firestorm of angry users and awash in criticism from privacy advocates and bloggers.

对恩格尔案的裁决引起了对法院的猛烈抨击,批评声浪虽然有时减弱,但从未间断。The Engel decision unleashed a firestorm of criticism against the Court which, while it has abated from time to time, has never died out.

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由于月亮正处于激情燃烧的白羊座以及你的亲密宫第8宫,这可能会使你激情迸发从而不再循规蹈矩。The Moon is in explosive Aries and your 8th House of Intimacy, which can start a firestorm of passion that tempts you to break some rules.

印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪因决定禁止500及1000卢比纸币流通而引起了轩然大波。Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, has an economic firestorm on his hands following his decision to ban the 500 and 1,000 rupee notes.

有一个争论是关于中国和其他国家的货币政策对当下的次贷风暴火上加油的程度。There is a debate to be had about the extent to which the currency policies of China and others provided the fuel for the credit firestorm.