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台虎钳?。Table vice?

这无可厚非It's not a vice.

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他与罪恶作斗争。He warred against vice.

她的美貌掩盖了她的邪恶。Her beauty gilds her vice.

这可能是我最主要的弱点了。It's my main vice probably.

恶习渐远,美德渐增。As vice wanes, virtue waxes.

尊敬的孔达副总统阁下Your Honor Vice President Kunda

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副总统坐在椅上,默不做声。The Vice President sits quietly.

他能识别善恶,辨别是非。Can' t you tell vice from virtue ?

酗酒之风正在增长。The vice of drinking is increasing.

他们堕入了罪恶的深渊。They are sunk in the depth of vice.

他沾染上各种恶习。He was addicted to all sorts of vice.

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老虎钳是用螺栓拧在工作台上。The vice is bolted to the work-bench.

老虎钳是用螺栓拧在工作台上的。The vice is bolted to the work-bench.

我曾经是该冰上曲棍球队的副队长。I was vice captain of the hockey team.

这个要求使得副总统吃了一惊。This request stuns the Vice President.

我会杨胜军副会长出席会议。Vice President Yang Shengjun attended.

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认知需要观念,观念也需要认知。Percepts need concepts, and vice versa.

总统沙达特任命了他为副总统。Instead, Sadat named him vice president.

纽科晋升为副总裁。Newcombe was promoted to vice president.