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对这些最贫困国家,国际开发协会提供赠款和优惠贷款。For these poorest countries, IDA gives grants and concessionary loans.

上述特许产品可以使用国际奥委会标记。Afore-mentioned concessionary products can use number of international Olympic committee.

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在租让制协议下,公司对所开采的资源可以拥有所有权。Under a concessionary agreement the company would hold title to the resources that are produced.

“分蛋糕”模型可以用于解决收益相对稳定的BOT项目的特许权期。The "carving cake" model is to solve the concessionary terms of BOT project whose profit is stable.

建屋用地是由政府以优惠条件批给房屋协会,而其他所有发展成本均由房协负责。The land is granted to HKHS on concessionary terms but all other development costs are borne by the HKHS.

建屋用地由政府以优惠条件批给房屋协会,其他发展成本则全部由房屋协会负担。Land was granted to the HKHS on concessionary terms but all other development costs were borne by the HKHS.

他认为火狐3毫无疑问是对火狐2的一个改进,特许是一个重大的改进。He thinks red fox 3 it is right without doubt red fox is improved of 2, concessionary it is a great improvement.

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授予特许旅行由自治市镇管理,他们是需要收费来承担联合的成本。Entitlement to concessionary travel is authorised by the Boroughs , and they are levied for the associated costs.

亚洲开发银行,专门向远东地区的欠发达国家贷款,有的贷款为特优贷款。它也提供技术援助。The ADB specializes in loans, some on concessionary term, to LDCs in the Far East. It also. provides technical assistance.

优惠人士必须于使用设施时出示身分证明文件,例如香港身分证。All concessionary users should produce their identity documents such as Hong Kong Identity Card before using the facilities.

非洲唯一关注的问题是印度无力与中国竞标自然资源特许权。The only Africa-focused issue where India cannot compete with China is in bidding for concessionary rights to natural resources.

同时,泰国也正在同中国展开谈判,利用中国提供的优惠贷款建立一条连接南北的铁路通向曼谷。Meanwhile, Thailand is negotiating with China to build a connecting north-south line to Bangkok, using concessionary Chinese loans.

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公路收费经营是一种特许经营,其经营期限和收费标准都是由政府有关部门决定的。Highway collects fees managing is a kind concessionary manage, its manage deadline and rate is decided about the branch by the government.

根据公告,腾讯将向印度环球提供在印度境内使用特许材料的特许权。According to announcement, tencent general to India round-the-world offer the chartered right that uses concessionary data in Indian churchyard.

第一个层次是由国际奥委会直接营销的全球奥运标志特许产品。The first administrative levels is by international Olympic committee the global Olympic Games of direct sale is indicated concessionary product.

2006年,中国向津政府提供优惠贷款,用于津方购买中国企业生产的农业机械和农用物资。In 2006, the Chinese Government provided concessionary loans to Zimbabwe for the purchacement of agricultural machinery and agricultural goods China.

置业人士购买楼龄较旧的楼宇,将可以做七成按揭,并且获得优惠利率及二十五年的还款期。Buyers of older flats will be offered mortgages of up to 70 per cent of the property value at a concessionary interest rate for terms as long as 25 years.

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他拥有美国康奈尔大学的工商治理硕士学位,是美国特许金融分析师。He has the master's degree of industrial and commercial management of university of Er of American health Nai, it is analyst of American concessionary banking.

二是经销商的赢利空间越来越小,以优惠形式的让利越来越少,取而代之的是在服务质量上的一拼高下。Second, dealers profit space is getting smaller and smaller, the form of concessionary let fewer and fewer, replaced by quality of service together on the high.

记者从国资委了解到,国航的“折上折”票价优惠早在今年3月就已经提上了日程,且已正式实施了一段时间。Learned from the SASAC, Air's "credit" concessionary fares as early as March this year has been put on the agenda, and has been formally implemented for some time.