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史前怪物的展览幼稚可笑。The display of prehistoric monsters is comically naive.

在女孩的肩膀上坐着一只正在挠头的小猴子。On the girl's shoulder sat a little marmoset scratching its head comically.

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奇怪的是——或许我们该说喜剧的是——这位搞笑艺人稍后又否认了此事。Strangely -- or should we say comically -- enough, the story was denied by the comedian shortly after.

记忆中的他,声音温和、两眼炯炯有神,一个双关语、一段笑话,会使他的浓眉滑稽地飞舞。I remember a warm voice, expressive eyes, and bushy eyebrows that wiggled comically at a pun or a joke.

新西兰皇家空军以小的仅有几架直升机和运输机为特色。The Royal New ZealandAir Force is comically small, featuring only a few helicopters and transportplanes.

最近谷歌专门雇佣了300名临时工对偶尔出现的可笑错误地图进行修复。It has recently begun hiring 300 temporary workers to make fixes on its sometimes comically incorrect maps.

对于这种想像力丰富、有点故作好笑却「笑」果不彰的宣传策略,没有必要太过生气。There is no need to get too worked up about this imaginative, if somewhat comically designed sales strategy.

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这部影片喜感又沉痛地描述一位中年父亲,寻找未曾谋面的儿子。The film is a comically poignant portrait of a middle-aged father searching for a son he did not know he had.

我不知道还有哪位女演员能够像杰米·李·柯蒂斯那样将性感和幽默完美融合。I couldn’t think of any actress who could pull this scene off as sexily and comically as Jamie Lee Curtis does.

最终,一只熊宝宝成功地把它的兄弟推到了树桩下,而失败的熊宝宝只好滑稽地吊在树桩的边缘上晃来晃去。Eventually one of the bears managed to shove his brother off the end of the log, leaving him clinging on comically.

对此我有自己的看法,其中包括乐观的看法,不过如果没有良好的诙谐宇宙这些看法难以总结出来。I have my own views on this, and some of them are upbeat, but they’re hard to summarize without sounding comically cosmic.

在示威时以及警方警告抗议者违法后,他们变得近乎可笑的规规矩矩了。During the demonstration and after police warned the protesters they were breaking the law they became almost comically well-mannered.

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尽管这场水仗和政府的反应有荒诞的喜剧况味,最近的紧张气氛却显示出了伊朗政权对本国的年轻人是多么地心存畏惧。Although the water wars and the government response have a comically absurd quality, the recent tension shows how fearful the regime is of its young.

一位迈克杰克逊的模仿者逗得他们咯咯笑,他戴着耳机,滑稽地模仿麦克,好像并不为给别人看。On Saturday, they giggled at a Michael Jackson imitator wearing headphones and doing a comically poor imitation of the artist, seemingly for himself.

这些事件突出的对比反映了关于葬礼的老式的和新式的,年轻的和老的,宗教典礼和真感情,有时候滑稽诙谐,有时候让人辛酸。These incidents contrast old ways and new ways, young and old, ritual ceremony and true feelings, often comically , but sometimes with real poignancy.

不管其来源如何,它是残忍的有些滑稽,而不幸的巧合,粗俗的双关挖讽,因果业报,和自己搬石头砸自己的脚等困扰着他。Whatever its origin, it is comically ruthless, assaulting him with unlucky coincidences, coarse puns, karmic blowbacks, and punctual hoistings by his own petard.

从克罗地亚无法看懂的饭店菜单到法国海滩令人发笑的警告标识——每个人都遇到过类似的差劲翻译。EVERYBODY has his own tale of terrible translation to tell — an incomprehensible restaurant menu in Croatia, a comically illiterate warning sign on a French beach.

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毕竟,除了在迪士尼电影里有滑稽可爱造型的大象,哪里还有别的动物家长给自己的新出生的孩子一一地起昵称呢?After all, outside of sappy Disney movies involving comically deformed elephants, what other animal parent takes the time to give each of its newborn members its own permanent moniker?

几分钟之内我们就把有人居住的地区抛到了后面,傍晚的几个小时里,我们经过的沙漠中可以看见洋槐和橡胶树丛,还有怪模怪样的尖塔形白蚁树。Within minutes we left the last human developments behind us, and we rolled for hours that first evening past desert scrub of acacia and gum trees and comically steepled termite hills.

背面是400万像素的镜头和一对立体小喇叭,喇叭的样子调侃了一下漫画家,他们笔下牺牲的角色就会标上一个叉。On the rear is a 4-megapixel camera and a pair of stereo speakers made to comically poke fun at how animators denote a dead cartoon character. Hmm I kinda want one and then I kinda don’t.