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真的好极了。It's really breathtaking.

那是一场惊险的汽车比赛。It was a breathtaking car race.

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这里的风景简直是太美了。This view is absolutely breathtaking.

累积效应是惊人的。The cumulative effects were breathtaking.

那抹险些就要消失的微笑重新浮现在弯弯的嘴角上。The breathtaking crooked smile reappeared.

沭阳正以惊人的速度发展着。Shuyang is developing at a breathtaking pace.

东部的Sayan有着摄人心魄的风景。The Eastern Sayan has a breathtaking landscape.

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然而支出削减的规模仍然是惊人的。Yet the scale of the cuts is still breathtaking.

日出的美景真令人心旷神怡。The beauty of the sunrise is really breathtaking.

花朵和吊篮生机勃勃的长着。The flowers and hanging baskets were breathtaking.

花朵和吊篮生机勃勃的长着。The flowers and hanging baskets were breathtaking.

今天就要梦想成真。那真是扣人心弦!Your dream will come true.It's really breathtaking.

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看看那些叹为观止的电影和引你深思的电视节目。Watch breathtaking movies and mind-bending TV shows.

一些交易的令人震惊的程度激怒了反对者。The breathtaking scope of some deals galvanizes opponents.

下面就是一些慑人心魄的照片,能让你灵感有如泉涌。Here is a number of breathtaking photographs to inspire you!

创作令人惊异的平面广告是这位设计师的专长。The designer’s specialty is creating breathtaking print ads.

庙宇最让人惊叹的地方是一座巍峨的宝塔。The temple's most breathtaking feature is a towering pagoda.

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以下是全世界100张最令人惊叹不已的焰火表演图片。Here we present 100 Most Breathtaking Fireworks in The World.

那次火车旅行如此激动人心以致我将永远难以忘怀。It was so breathtaking that I will never forget that train ride.

该系统的规模和速度绝对令你震惊。And the scale and the speed of this system is truly breathtaking.