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死了一个修女。A nun dies.

特瑞沙是一个修女。Mother Teresa is a nun.

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一位修女上了一辆出租车。A cabbie picks up a nun.

现在一切都整理好了。Nun ist alles in Ordnung.

那位修女立下严格的誓愿。The nun took strait vows.

一个冷冰冰的,面色苍白的修女匆匆走过。A cold, pale nun hurried by.

我们现在走进车库。Wir gehen nun in die Garage.

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绝不能相信带枪的尼姑。Never trust a nun with a gun.

这个修女把婴儿推出去了。The nun wheeled the baby out.

以利沙玛的儿子是嫩。嫩的儿子是约书亚。Nun his son and Joshua his son.

对不起!但是就是这样!Sorry! Aber so ist das nun mal!

峨眉老尼洋洋自得的说道。The E eyebrow old nun smugly says.

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现在我们进入下一个阶段。Nun gehen wir in die nächste Phase.

她削发为尼。She shaved her head and became a nun.

心碎的埃洛伊丝则成了一名修女。The heartbroken Heloise became a nun.

十一年前,你是个修女,是吗?Were you a nun here eleven years ago?

乖乖,黛丝!也许你应该去当。Gee, Daisy! Maybe you ought to be a nun.

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摩西就称嫩的儿子何西阿为约书亚.Moses gave Hoshea son of Nun the name Joshua.

属以法莲支派的有嫩的儿子何希阿。Of the tribe of Ephraim, Oshea the son of Nun.

摩西就称嫩的儿子何西阿为约书亚。And Moses called Oshea the son of Nun Jehoshua.