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在虚构的故事中,起引导作用的动物是关键角色。Guiding animals are crucial in mythic stories.

这个人却是希腊神话里的英雄珀尔修斯。It is one of the mythic heroes of Greece, Perseus.

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这是一本具有深奥的、几乎是神话般结局的小说。It's a novel of profound, almost mythic consequence.

听到bora这个名字就让人想起神话里的天堂。The name Bora Bora evokes images of a mythic paradise.

李罗能是一个神话般的有许多学生的源头。Li Luo Neng is a mythic source figure with many students.

爱尔兰迅速的经济衰退就和它的提升一样神秘。The swift decline of the Irish economy was as mythic as its rise.

这让我想到廖炳惠的「神秘现代」概念。This leads me to consider Ping-hui Liao's idea of "mythic modernity."

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上季节海是神话中吐火妖怪藏身之地。Upper Seasons Lake is a mythic hiding place of fire-breathing monsters.

在这片孕育过希腊神话的土地上,新一代英雄走上前台的时候已经到了。In this land of mythic tales, it's time for some new heroes to step forward.

民族英雄是神话史诗与民间故事歌颂传扬的主要对象。National hero is the main eulogizing object in mythic epics and folk stories.

正如卡蒙洛一样,阿肯纳坦时曾经繁华熙攘的首都现在只是神话中的记忆罢了。And like Camelot, Akhenaten's once bustling capital became only a mythic memory.

金龟一般为椭圆形,是个矮胖子,体型从微小到巨大不等。Scarabs are generally oval-shaped and stout, ranging in size from miniscule to mythic.

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蓝色玫瑰之所以有如此的神话色彩是因为,直到最近,才有人种植出来。Blue roses have a mythic quality because they, until recently, were impossible to grow.

在神话传说中,对伊米尔死后的描绘与克罗诺斯极为相似。In mythic legends, the depiction of the dead Ymir is quite similar to that of the dead Kronos.

这种音乐很简单,基于原声的音乐将日常故事和老百姓融入虚构的情节。It's simple, acoustic-based music that spins everyday events and common people into mythic status.

本作品以兰花光影及互动设计营造一个奇特神秘如梦般的兰花幽境。This interactive work creates a mythic and dreamy atmosphere by the lights and shadows of the orchids.

由于这张是密稀,所以他现在几乎是我所提到的这些牌中最贵的一张。Right now it's valued higher than almost every other card I've mentioned due to its mythic rare status.

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神话公司提醒玩家,永远不要小看猎巫人那一身行头的力量,特别是帽子。Mythic warns players to "never underestimate" the power of a Witch Hunter's wardrobe, especially the hat.

当靠近密吉卡时,蟒蛇们看到神话中的斑纹雀人“尼尼”正往这方向过来,立刻惊慌起来。As they approached they saw the "Nyi Nyi" Mythic Zebra Finch people coming, and the snakes became alarmed.

一度强大的玛雅文明在暴烈统治即将结束时,上演了一场动人心魄的冒险行动。A heart stopping mythic action-adventure set against the turbulent end times of the once great Mayan civilization.