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总吨是多少?。What is the gross tonnage ?

对不起,这形容有点恶心。That's kind of gross. Sorry.

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连皮23公斤。The gross weight is 23 kilos.

不要再挖你的鼻孔了。很恶心。Don't pick your nose. It's gross.

他们会想知道你的毛收入。They'll want to know your gross income.

总收益率就是收益率加上1The gross return is the return plus one.

我不想吃那东西。他看起来就瓤我恶心。Eg. I'm not eating that! It looks me gross.

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当然,这只是一个总的概括。This is, of course, a gross generalization.

未扣除各项开支之前她的总收入是多少?What is her gross income before deductions?

约翰·刘易斯的百货商店把它全部买了下来进行销售。The department store John Lewis bought a gross.

粗鄙的杂货商在老总面前叉起腿子。The gross grocer crossed his legs ago the boss.

鱼粉,50公斤麻袋装,以毛作净。Fish meal in gunny bags of 50kg , gross for net.

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他被判严重玩忽职守。He was found guilty of gross dereliction of duty.

看完那部恶心的电影后我胃口全失。I lost my appetite after watching that gross movie.

我觉得这纯粹是一种谬论和错觉。I answer, that this is a gross fallacy and delusion.

粗鄙的杂货商在老板面前叉起腿子.The gross grocer crossed his legs before the boss.

这批商品的毛利估计为两万元。The goods are valued in gross profit at 20,000 yuan.

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他的汗和体香剂混合在一起的味道闻起来真恶心。The mixture of his sweat and deodorant smells gross.

我收到的钱是总的税前收入,没有扣过税的。The money I receive is gross and has not been taxed.

接受这种观点就会铸成大错。Acceptance of this view would end up in gross errors.