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马奇亚维利是佛罗伦萨人。Machiavelli was a Florentine.

佛罗伦萨的女人在耳垂上涂胭脂。Florentine women rouged their earlobes.

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但马奇亚维利并非一位典型的佛罗伦萨人。But Machiavelli was not an ordinary Florentine.

他被称颂为佛罗伦萨画派的鼻祖。He was extolled as the founder of their Florentine school.

来点本尼迪克特点心还是佛罗伦萨糕点?等等,乔治娅,昨晚我只喝了苏打。Do you want. florentine or benedict?Wait. I was drinking soda, Georgie.

她是佛罗伦萨商人弗朗西斯科•德尔·乔贡德的妻子丽莎•德尔·乔贡德。She is Lisa del Giocondo, wife of Florentine businessman Francesco del Giocondo.

对于佛罗伦萨的悔罪妇女来说,她的一生被视作是一个理想的典范。Instead, her life could be seen as an ideal model for Florentine penitential women.

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动态建筑学的理念是佛洛伦萨派建筑学家大卫?费舍尔提出的。The Dynamic Architecture concept was introduced by Florentine architect David Fisher.

美丽卢嘉勒是里多尔菲,长期沿袭的习惯,佛罗伦萨和偏心家族的最后。Beautiful Chiara is the last of the Ridolfi, a Florentine family of long lineage and eccentric habits.

这幅画被认为是以画中人的名字命名的,她很可能是佛罗伦萨人弗朗西斯科·德尔·吉奥康德的妻子。It was thought to be named after the sitter, most likely the Florentine wife of Francesco del Giocondo.

但是,几个世纪以来,大多人相信,她就是丽莎盖拉尔迪尼,一个佛罗伦萨丝绸商人的妻子。But for centuries, it has been widely believed that she is Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a Florentine silk merchant.

从1870年以来,罗马方言已经取得了相当的地位,但仍然比不上弗罗伦萨标准语的声誉。Since 1870 the dialect of Rome has gained considerable prestige but it has still failed to eclipse the Florentine standard.

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那时候,那整个混沌窈冥的现象,就是那位超逸卓越的弗劳伦斯人在他的幻想中临崖俯瞰的时候所看到的林苞。Then the whole black phenomenon beneath represented Limbo as viewed from the brink by the sublime Florentine in his vision.

有记录表明所有的教民都参加了她的葬礼,反映了她在佛罗伦萨社会中是个相当有名的人物。The record notes that the whole parish turned out for her funeral, showing that she was rather famous among Florentine society.

仅仅到了1509年比萨才被佛罗伦萨共和政府以武力重新夺回,在这场军事行动中马基雅维里扮演了一个政治上的主要角色。Pisa was retaken by the Florentine republic only in 1509, during a military campaign in which Machiavelli played a political role.

在维琪奥宫可以看到更多米开朗基罗的作品,这栋修建在1299年至1322年曾是佛罗伦萨政府的地点地。More of Michelangelo's work can be seen in the great Palazzo Vecchio. This building housed the Florentine government from 1299-1322.

在维琪奥宫可以看到更多米开朗基罗的作品,这栋建筑在1299年至1322年曾是佛罗伦萨政府的所在地。More of Michelangelo's work can be seen in the great Palazzo Vecchio. This building housed the Florentine government from 1299-1322.

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1266年乔托出生在距佛路伦萨不远的一个小村庄里,他的艺术天赋被一位著名的佛罗伦萨画派画家契马布埃所发现。He was born in a village near Florence in about 1266. His artistic talents were discovered by Cimabue, a well-known Florentine painter.

后来这个地方属于另外一个家族,因为梅迪奇家族自封他们为托斯卡纳大公,后来他们居住在更豪华的建筑内。Later the palace belonged to another family as the Medici made themselves Grand Dukes of Tuscany and inhabited more grandiose Florentine buildings.

作为对伦敦盗版的回应,劳伦斯在1928年11月又发行了第二版,还是在佛罗伦萨人的小书局里。In response to this edition's appearance in London, Lawrence put forth a second edition in November 1928, again from the tiny Florentine print shop.