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这架照相机是新的还是旧的?Is this camera new or secondhand?

该如何避免吸入二手烟?How can secondhand smoke be avoided?

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这个市集卖的是二手书。These are secondhand books for sale.

买二手布或可再使用的编织布。Buy secondhand cloth or reuse fabric.

当然,二手汽车经销商的情况更糟。The worst-off are secondhand car dealers.

所以我就去买了一个二手硬盘。So I just go to buy a secondhand harddisk.

于是他就从这位学长那里买了两本二手书。So Li bought two secondhand books from him.

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这家店代售旧货。The shop sells secondhand goods on commission.

我们已刊登广告求购一辆旧汽车。We have advertised for a secondhand motor-car.

但并非所有二手交易都这么好。But not every secondhand purchase is a good deal.

我在一家旧书店里偶然发现一本珍本书。I lighted on a rare book in a secondhand bookshop.

探源二手轮胎源自何方?Secondhand tires extricated from where you are going?

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旧书店的书非常便宜。The books in the secondhand bookstore are very cheap.

二手烟的研究确实已经移至户外。Studies of secondhand smoke have indeed moved outdoors.

老人受骗买了一台二手的收音机。The old man was tricked into buying a secondhand radio.

他们那二手的胡子,由母舞毒蛾织就。Their secondhand beards were spun by female gypsy moths.

你需要买一个新的吗,还是买个二手的就可以了?Do you need to buy new or will secondhand be just as good?

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你不需要花钱来关注于二手商品的买卖。You don't have to spend money to enjoy secondhand shopping.

你能买多少二手货而非新的或打折的呢?How much could you buy secondhand instead of new or on sale?

没有风险的二手烟含量是不存在的。There is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke.