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这是荒谬的。This was absurd.

多么荒唐的念头!What an absurd idea!

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太荒谬了,不,慢着。It's absurd. No. Wait.

价格是荒谬的。The prices were absurd.

那种立场是荒唐的。That position is absurd.

简直是荒唐至极。That is manifestly absurd.

这无疑是十分荒谬的。No doubt it is very absurd.

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你的要求很荒谬。Your claim is quite absurd.

你这样做是多么的荒谬啊!How absurd of you to do that!

他的观点荒谬绝伦。His viewpoint was utterly absurd.

我不相信那个荒谬绝伦的故事。I didn't credit that absurd tale.

这是一个很荒唐的要求。It is such an absurd requirement.

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这确实是荒谬之言。That is indeed the absurd speech.

那么,荒谬之人究竟是什么呢?What, in fact, is the absurd man?

这真是一个荒唐的场面。It was really an absurd spectacle.

这很乐观,但并不荒谬。This is optimistic, but not absurd.

他戴着那顶帽子看起来真可笑!You look absurd in your wife's hat.

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他们穿著那种制服看起来怪模怪样的。That uniform makes them look absurd.

但西方的很多忧虑是荒谬的。But many Western concerns are absurd.

我不相信那个荒谬绝伦的故事。Eg. I didn't credit that absurd tale.