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我们也可以控制它。But we can also get a little manipulative.

没错我是你个工于心计的神经病婊子!Yeah, I am, you manipulative psycho bitch!

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有时他真的很自私,控制欲也挺强。He can be quite selfish and really manipulative.

看起来老于世故,卸除个人工作。Can be seen as manipulative. Offloads personal work.

权谋与操控,阴影议员常常是恶毒的。Machiavellian and manipulative , the lords are often maligned.

他激情充沛而又柔情似水,充满控制欲而又爱诋毁他人。He was passionate and affectionate, manipulative and denigrating.

“我只是想去帮助他”只是一种托辞,一种占为己式的掌控。“I was only trying to help” is a subtle, manipulative form of control.

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圣经不如此是一些光滑谈的操纵作者产品。So the Bible is NOT a product of some smooth-talking manipulative authors.

也没有看到JP摩根明显的操纵银价下跌的尝试。There have been no noticeable manipulative takedown attempts by JP Morgan.

美国人玩这类操控游戏已经一段时间了。The UShas always been playing these kind of manipulative games for some time.

但我不能认同的是你那为了将一切掌控而采取的控制方式。But what I can’t respect is the manipulative road you’ve chosen to maintain control.

范老师再给女孩留言时手在颤抖,他把女孩称作编造事实的说谎者。Still, his hands shook as he composed another message, calling the girl a manipulative liar.

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我妈教我不要轻易相信广告蛊惑人心的办法。Not after all my mom has taught me to never surrender to the manipulative ways of advertising.

这些操纵性手腕在成年后很难弃绝,常常变成顽固的习性。These manipulative techniques are hard to give up later in life and often become set patterns.

胡斯尼·穆巴拉克就利用巴以冲突作为他镇压武库中的控制工具。Hosni Mubarak used the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a manipulative tool in his repressive arsenal.

目的提高专科护生临床护理技术操作能力。Objective To raise the manipulative ability of clinical nursing skills of the college nursing students.

治疗组运用经络推拿术治疗,对照组口服曲美治疗。The treatment group were treated by meridian manipulative skill, the control group were treated by Qumei.

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在诗歌翻译中,对原作的文化意象进行任意取舍或扭曲都是不当的。No manipulative choice or distortion of the cultural-loaded images is allowed in the translation practice.

作为一个研究哺乳动物间有声交流的科学家,她决定去调查这种有操纵性的喵呜声。As a scientist who studies vocal communication in mammals, she decided to investigate the manipulative meow.

明确手法整复加石膏外固定疗法在旋后外旋型三踝骨折治疗中的临床地位。To identify the clinical position of manipulative reduction to supinate and extorsion Trimalleolar fractures.