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我喜欢做一个加拿大人。I love being a Canadian.

我喜欢做一个加拿大人。I do love being a Canadian.

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我们去尝一尝加拿大的牛肉吧。Let's try some Canadian beef.

我十分高兴你们参加加拿大工业展会的开幕式。Canadian Industrial Exhibition.

我的老师中有一位是加拿大人。One of my teachers is Canadian.

那么加拿大的政策呢?What about the Canadian policy?

他是一个和李南一样大的加拿大人。He is a Canadian as old as Li Nan.

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你就是那个加拿大扒手吗?。So, you're our Canadian pickpocket?

在上面添加奶酪、苹果片和培根。Top with cheese and Canadian bacon.

你有一份来自加拿大的惊喜!Canadian Icewine Come as A Surprise!

你现在在加拿大还有代销店吗?Do you still have a Canadian outlet?

我是东印度裔加拿大人。I'm Canadian of East Indian descent.

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来自加拿大的格兰特.基彭是选举投诉委员会的主席。Canadian Grant Kippen is the ECC chairman

一加拿大元兑换二美元Canadian Dollar Worth Two American Dollars

需持加籍护照,或美国签证。Canadian passport or USA visa is required.

到加拿大人的家里去看看很有意义。It was great to see inside a Canadian home.

方群刚好遇上迪安,他是加拿大人。Fang Qun has just met Dean, who is Canadian.

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强中玩具系加拿大独资企业,创建于2003年。QZ Pet is a Canadian enterprise built in 2003.

当然愿意,我很愿意看看加拿大的企业。Of course. I'd love to see a Canadian business.

在运河里邿,那个加拿大人化验了香蕉。In the canal, the Canadian analyzed the bananas.