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乌斯季诺夫后来成为联合国教科文组织的坚定拥护者。Ustinov later became a staunch6 advocate for UNESCO.

目前,联合国教科文组织共设立了550多个教席。Until now, UNESCO has established more than 550 chairs.

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1987年,联合国科教文组织将它选为世界遗产。It was designated a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1987.

华城在1997年被加入联合国教科文组织世界遗产。Hwaseong was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1997.

海印寺在1995年列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录。The site was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1995.

毫无疑问,联合国科教文组织能发挥积极的影响。There is no question that UNESCO can exert a positive influence.

联合国教科文组织致力于推动互联网上多种语言的使用。UNESCO is committed to promoting multilingualism on the Internet.

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昌德宫于1997年被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。Changdeokgung was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1997.

Jatta是联合国教科文组织非洲办事处教育主任。Ann-Therese Ndong-Jatta is education director for UNESCO in Africa.

高黎贡山被联合国教科文组织批准授予“世界生物圈保护区”。Mount Gaoligong has been named by UNESCO as a "World Biosphere Reserve".

1992年,九寨沟被联合国教科文组织评为「世界自然遗产」。In 1992, Jiuzhaigou was designated a world natural heritage site by UNESCO.

然而,传统的叠罗汉最引起联合国教科文组织的关注。The tradition of building human towers, however, interests UNESCO the most.

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“世界遗产之友”是一个由来自世界各地的人们组成的社区,他们为了当地的居民和未来的游客,致力于保存和保护联合国教科文组织规定的世界遗址。UNESCO World Heritage sites for local communities and for future travelers.

昆曲评为“人类口头和非物质文化遗产”。Kunqu Opera is rated by UNESCO as Oral and Non-material Heritage of Mankind.

以镜厅而出名的凡尔赛宫殿被列入联合国科教文组织世界遗产景点。The palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is famous for its Hall of Mirrors.

教科文组织在这些领域可以发挥切实的领导作用,我们将充分利用这一机会。UNESCO has real leadership in these areas, and we will make the most of this.

1998年12月,颐和园被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录。In December 1998, UNESCO included the Summer Palace on its World Heritage List.

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1984年,这些古迹被联合国教科文组织收入到世界遗产名录中。The monuments in Mahabalipuram were named a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1984.

中国是最积极参与设立联合国教科文教席的国家之一。China is one of the most active countries for the establishment of UNESCO Chairs.

UNESCO的报告显示,在报告囊括的80多个国家中,有着显著的差别。The UNESCO report shows stark differences within the 80-plus countries it covers.