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我们称水稻做稻谷或谷子,和北方旱地里的谷子不一样。We call for rice or millet and rice, northern dry land foxtail millet in different.

本文还对谷子种子活力测定的不同方法进行了讨论。Different ways of vigor testing on foxtail millet seeds were also discussed in this paper.

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研究结果表明,谷子品种资源对粒黑穗病的抗性存在着明显的差异。The study showed that resistance of foxtail millet varieties to grain smut were different.

同时,对小米物理性质方面的研究进展也做了介绍。In addition, the research advance on the physical character of foxtail millet is introduced.

结果表明,谷子不同种质资源对黑穗病的抗性存在着明显的差异。The results showed that resistance of Foxtail millet varieties to grain smut were different.

树木。饱经风霜的鳞屑包围一棵狐尾松的树干在加利福尼亚的内华达山脉。Weathered scales encase the trunk of a foxtail pine in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains.

应用RAPD标记对19份国内不同生态区的谷子品种的遗传变异进行了研究。Genetic variation of 19 varieties of foxtail millet collected from different regions in China was studied.

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提出为提高夏谷品种小米蛋白质含量的选择指数。Authors advanced also in the paper the selective indices for increasing the summer-sown foxtail millet protein contents.

这些酶活性的变化能够削弱或消除病菌对谷子的毒害作用,在谷子抗黑穗病过程中发挥重要作用。Changes of activities of protective enzymes were able to play an important role in resistance to head smut in foxtail millet.

结果表明,谷子感染黑穗病后,体内超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶活性均显著增强。The results showed that after foxtail millet were infected with head smut, three enzymes activities all increased significantly.

以总酚含量为活性跟踪指标,研究了小米抗氧化活性物质的提取条件。This study researched on extraction conditions of antioxidant in foxtail millet, based on the total phenols as the active track index.

把以上的研究结果应用于实践,获得了多个细胞质抗除草剂谷子的丰产杂交组合和品系。Guided by the principal mentioned above, many high yield lines and hybrid crosses of foxtail millet with herbicide resistant cytoplasm were obtained.

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研究认为,在旱作农业生产中,延缓叶片衰老,对促进糜子籽粒充实,提高谷子产量和品质具有重要作用。The results showed, in the rain-fed agriculture, slowing leaves ageing is vital important to promote grain filling and increase yield and quality of foxtail millet.