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你被禁足了.You are grounded.

我还要被禁足吗?。Am i still grounded?

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这门学说的基础很稳固。The theory is well grounded.

他拉丁语的功底很扎实。He is well grounded in Latin.

工作台是否有ESD接地?。Are the workbench ESD grounded?

你被禁足两周。You are grounded for two weeks.

这名拳击手把对手打翻在地。The boxer grounded his opponent.

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她的论点是基于事实的。Her argument is grounded on fact.

他打到二垒手位置的滚地球。He grounded to the second baseman.

我们的船载浅水区搁浅了。Our ship grounded in shallow water.

我们需要扎根于研究。We need to be grounded in research.

你将被禁足两个月。You will be grounded for two months.

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她教她的学生基本语法知识。She grounded her students in grammar.

船只缓缓地在泥滩上搁浅了。The ship grounded gently on a mud bank.

船在水浅处搁浅。The ship was grounded in shallow water.

昨天那架飞机因雾停飞。The plane was grounded by fog yesterday.

信号源可接地或是未接地。Signal sources can be grounded or floating.

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这就是为什么你被禁足两个月!That's why you are grounded for two months!

由于风停了,风筝摔落在地。The kite grounded because the wind stopped.

他使船在水深两米的地方搁浅了。He grounded his ship in two metres of water.