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支流从高地往下流,与平原上的恒河汇合。Ane they tumble from this higher land to meet the Ganges on the plains.

在当前研究中我们在进行末次大冰期资料-模型比较时以年均温为例。In the present study we performed data-model comparison for LGM with ane.

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黄陂区罗汉村一男孩被患有精神刻舟求剑翻译病的父亲打死。A boy from LuoHan village, HuangPo district was striked dead by his i ane father.

感谢我的老师,我的同学们和朋友们对我的关心和支持!Thanks to all those ex-colleagues ane present friends for all your greetings and caring!

它以数字技术作为基础、利用LED设备组建三维展示终端。It is based on digital technology, utilize device of LED ane set up three-dimensional terminal show.

真是再好没有。约逊和玛丽他们的事业很成功而且还喜结良缘。John ane Mary at they have a very successful of tie the nuptial knot really I' d like nothing better.

五月之前,山脉一只沐浴在夏季热浪之中,第一波雪融水渐渐平息。By May, the mountains are bathed in summer heat, ane the first rush of meltwater is beginning to subside.

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CT或MR显示双侧丘脑被盖受累伴有坏死和出血是ANE的特征性改变。Bilateral thalamotegmental involvement with necrosis and hemorrhage on CT or MRI is characteristic for ANE.

公司董事长丁仪虎先生真诚欢迎广大客商前来指导与合作,共创事业辉煌。Chairman Yi Hu Ding-sincerely welcome Mr. Businessmen come to guidance ane cooperation, create brilliant career.

曰丹砂因其颜色丹红,曰辰砂因凤凰汉朝时属辰阳县。Said, because of their color red red cinnabar, cinnabar said, because Phoenix is ane County when the Han Dynasty.

咱们筹办出行过假日,偏生这时候你那草包兄弟来了并且呆了很永劫间。Just as we were ready to go away for the holidays, your fool of a brother must needs come ane stay for along time.

对昆明6种唇形科中草药铜锌含量特征进行了分析。The characteristics on the content of Cu ane Zn in 6 kinds of medicinal Labiatae plants from Kunming were analysed.

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我会遵守我的承诺,因为每一次我大声地、疯狂地读英语时,我的英语都会进步。Iwill keep my promise because i know the more i repeat, the deeper ane more longlasting my English ability will become.

阿尼.卡西姆和她的儿子曾同时在里巴船上生活了六个月,靠他们从珊瑚礁所能得到的任何收获为生。Ane Kasim and her son Ramdan spend six months at a time on their lepa-lepa, subsisting on whatever they can harvest from the reefs.

阐述了从根本上解决柴油机排放污染物的预混合气燃烧技术及未来柴油机的复合燃烧系统。Meanwhile the premixed mixture combustion and combined combustion system of diesel engines are described, which is believed to be ane.

每次当我转动方向盘试图将车子驶离车道时,系统就会产生一股平顺的抵抗力将车子导引回原本的车道。E ach time I turned the wheel to point the car out of myl ane, a countervailing force very smoothly directed the vehicle back into myl ane.

从四个方面综述了当今世界一些控制领域所面临的机遇与挑战,并对其发展现状及趋势作了讨论。The challenge ane chance to some control fields are overviewed by four aspects in this paper. The problems and future tendency are also discussed.

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当你收到一位朋友邀你共进午餐请你确定日期、一位同事主动向你提供一支炙手可热的股票信息、或者一家公司寄给你所购礼物的发票这样的电子邮件时,你会打开吗?。Would you open ane mail from a friend requesting a lunch date, a colleague offering a hot stock tip, or a company sending you an invoice for a gift?

肿瘤病理切片可见炎症细胞、浆细胞和淋巴细胞,无恶性改变。In pathologic sections of PIP, no malignant changes were seen, and only inflammatory cells, lymphocytes ane plasm cells could be seen by light microscope.

本公司全体员工,竭诚欢迎新老客户以及各界宾朋光临指导,洽谈业务。All our employees sincerely welcome new ane old customers as well as friends from all walks of life to our company for business discussion and cooperation.