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紫花地丁抗菌活性部位追踪。Tracing antibacterial active site of V. yedoensis.

目前已经广泛应用于抗菌材料当中。Nowit has been widely applied in antibacterial material.

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植物防御素,是另一类阳离子抗菌多肽。Plant defensins are cystein-rich antibacterial peptides.

通过抑菌实验可知,豆渣发酵产物具有一定的抑菌效果。The product of fermented okra natto has an antibacterial.

结果喹诺酮药物有广谱的抗菌作用。RESULTS Three quinolones had broad antibacterial spectrum.

抗菌促生长剂,无抗药性,使用安全。Antibacterial Auxogen, no-drug resistance, and safety to use.

合成新型抗菌药——巴洛沙星。The balofloxacin, an new antibacterial agent, was synthesized.

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从红茶菌培养液中提取出抗菌蛋白。An antibacterial protein was extracted from tea fungus culture.

抗菌肥皂杀死身体上导致异味的细菌。Antibacterial soaps kill the odor-causing bacteria on the body.

蒜素分解了,大蒜也就失去了抗菌作用。The garlic lost its antibacterial action as allicin broke down.

服用本品时应避免与抗菌药合用。Please avoid taking other antibacterial when it is administrated.

对革兰氏阳性菌具有很好的抗菌作用。It also has a good antibacterial effect to gram-positive bacterial.

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意大利馆使用空气净化装置和抗菌瓷砖。The pavilion uses air purification and antibacterial ceramic tiles.

目的探讨五倍子的体外抑菌作用。Objective To research Galla Chinensis antibacterial effect in vitro.

多马克的研究工作促进了硫胺类抗菌素药物的发展。Domagk's work led to the development of the antibacterial sulfa drugs.

猪乳铁素的抑菌活性比猪乳铁蛋白高出15-25倍。The antibacterial activity of LfcinP is stronger 15-25 times than pLf.

使用抗菌洁手露经常洗手。Use an antibacterial hand gel or wash your hands as often as possible.

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合成的席夫碱大环化合物抑菌能力优越。The title Schiff base compounds proved a better antibacterial activity.

抑菌活性物质基础研究仍在进行。Further study on the antibacterial bioactivities is still in continuing.

而且茶树油是天然的抗菌素,并能给你的肌肤补水。Tea tree oil is a great antibacterial and also helps rehydrate your skin.