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违者被除名了。The offender was extruded.

年轻的犯人被饶赦了。The young offender was spared.

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他误遭控诉犯偷窃罪。He was wrongly offender of stealing.

有一个斯蒂尔沃特性罪犯。There is one sex offender in stillwater.

不管什么场合,他总是得罪人。He is always an offender on any occasions.

冒犯者醒酒后道了歉。The offender apologized when he sobered up.

罪犯被送到教养院。The offender was sent to a correctional facility.

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罪犯对警察隐瞒了真相。The offender withheld the truth from the policemen.

如果罪犯认罪,法官答应从宽发落。The judge promised leniency if the offender confessed.

“犯罪者”要提出不同意见,那几乎是不可能的。Thisis almost impossible for the"offender"to disprove.

有些冒犯者甚至连短信都不会。The offender doesn’t even need to reply to the message.

那个厌恶的触犯者用竹篱自卫。the offensive offender defended himself with the fence.

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那个讨厌的触犯者用篱笆自卫.The offensive offender defended himself with the fence.

当你祈祷的时候,花几分钟感谢上帝赐你的冒犯。As you pray, spend a few minutes thanking God for your offender.

侵权者亦可能面对法律和经济责任。The offender also faces possible legal or financial consequences.

禁止对违反治安管理的人打骂、虐待或者侮辱。It is forbidden to beat or abuse, mistreat or insult the offender.

与其他州相同,新罕布什尔州也有一个儿童性侵犯罪登记处。Like many states, New Hampshire has a child sex offender registry.

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仁慈,宽厚天性慈悲的,尤指对罪犯或敌人。A disposition to show mercy, especially toward an offender or enemy.

而你的大吵大闹又不会给冒犯者造成甚么影响。And your fussing makes not a particle of difference to the offender.

由于他坦白了自己的罪行,他获得了从轻处理。The offender was dealt with leniently as he had confessed his crime.